On Demand Sessions

On Demand Sessions

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CPBI Ontario Webinar - Scoping Out Special Risks

(held September 26, 2024)

Operating a business globally has become the standard practice, but it comes with its own set of risks. Geopolitical tensions, terrorism, natural disasters, and the threat of kidnapping are just a few examples of the challenges that organizations face when operating internationally. To counter these risks, special insurance coverage could help mitigate the unique set of challenges that come with conducting business across borders.

This session is hosted by CPBI Ontario

Member Rate           $10

Non Member Rate     $25

Student                   $10

Register online to receive the link to the recording

Ateliers : Élaboration d’une politique de placement et comment structurer son portefeuille en actions 

(held September 25, 2024)

La première partie de cet atelier consistera à couvrir, de manière pratique, les différentes étapes qui sont entreprises lors de l’élaboration d’une politique de placement dont l’élément le plus important est l’allocation cible. En effet, de 85% à 90% du risque d’investissement proviendra de l’allocation cible qui aura été choisie.

This session is hosted by CPBI Quebec

Member Rate           $300

Non Member Rate     $450

Student                   $145

Register online to receive the link to the recording


Navigating Cybersecurity Challenges and Defenses

(held September 12, 2024)

We are excited to bring you a 2 part webinar:

Part 1: Beyond Technology: Unveiling Human Behavior in Cybersecurity and Social Engineering

Part 2: Data Breach Live! - Hacking Techniques & How Cyber Insurance Can Provide the Last Line of Defense

This session is hosted by CPBI Pacific

Member Rate           $25

Non Member Rate     $75

Register online to receive the link to the recording

CPBI Ontario Webinar - Regulatory Round-Up and Case Law Update – 2024 in review

(held September 10, 2024)

In this presentation, we delve into regulatory developments across all Canadian jurisdictions over the course of 2024 and discuss material case law updates with respect to pension and benefits laws. Through insightful analysis, attendees will gain a comprehensive understanding of the evolving legal framework governing pensions and benefits.

This session is hosted by CPBI Ontario

Member Rate           $10

Non Member Rate     $25

Student                   $10

Register online to receive the link to the recording

The Evolution of Workplace Wellness

(held June 26, 2024)

While wellness practices date back to 3000 BC, the term 'wellness' was coined back in 1961. Since then, workplace wellness strategies have evolved significantly.

Key Session Discussion Points:

What have we achieved as a society regarding employee wellness in the workplace?

Are employees better off due to these strategies, and how do we measure it? Have we sacrificed core employer values in the name of wellness?

This session is hosted by CPBI Northern Alberta

Member Rate           $25

Non Member Rate     $40

Student                   $25

Register online to receive the link to the recording
Cancer and Critical illness in the Workplace

(held May 29, 2024)

Part 1: A Glimpse into the Cancer Journey: An overview of the evolving landscape of cancer in 2024

Part 2: The Economic Burden of a Critical Illness Diagnosis

This session is hosted by CPBI Pacific

Member Rate           $25

Non Member Rate     $75

Register online to receive the link to the recording
Cutting Through the Noise – Turning Responsible Pension Investment Insights to Actions

(held May 22, 2024)

Navigating and understanding the broader landscape of investment risks and opportunities has never been more important.

Join Aon’s North America Head of Responsible Investing, Daniel Ingram, and a Saskatchewan based Investment Consultant with Aon, Erin Achtemichuk for an insightful discussion on key Responsible Investment (RI) topics, including:

  • Key differences   between RI approaches
  • Practical examples for implementation
  • Aon's four-pronged RI framework and beliefs

This session is hosted by CPBI Saskatchewan

Member Rate           $20

Non Member Rate     $55

Student                   $20

Register online to receive the link to the recording
CPBI Ontario Webinar - Macro markets outlooks and global equity considerations for institutional investors

(held May 14, 2024)

Around the world, asset managers are seeking to generate innovative ideas to help meet institutional client’s investment goals, but with over 55,214 listed public traded companies across 80 major stock exchanges (as of December 2023), finding the next winner is often easier said than done.  That is why having a macro perspective to global equity investing is key. Please join us as we discuss how plan sponsors should best navigate the deep and vast global equity markets to deliver best-in-class results.

This session is hosted by CPBI Ontario

Member Rate           $0

Non Member Rate     $0

Student                    $25

Register online to receive the link to the recording
Webinar WSIB Pension Plan – Journey from Single Employer to Jointly Sponsored Pension Plan

(held April 14, 2024)

In this session, our expert speakers will share their experiences on the WSIB pension plan’s journey to a jointly sponsored pension plan. The WSIB and the Ontario Compensation Employees Union worked in partnership to transform the plan from single-employer sponsorship to the JSPP that it is today. 

This session is hosted by CPBI Ontario

Member Rate           $0

Non Member Rate     $25

Register online to receive the link to the recording



2024 CPBI Saskatchewan Regional Conference VIRTUAL

(held April 11, 2024)

 An amazing line-up of speakers and topics was assembled for the 2024 CPBI Saskatchewan Regional Conference.

This session is hosted by CPBI Saskatchewan

Member Rate           $449

Non Member Rate     $809

Student                    $279

Register online to receive the link to the recording

Economic Outlook & Investment Strategy: 2024 and Beyond

(held April 11, 2024)

One continuing education credit in partnership with the Insurance Council of Manitoba or the Saskatchewan Insurance Council will be offered. A certificate of attendance will be issued upon request. A short quiz must be completed at the conclusion of the session in order to qualify for a CE Certificate.

This session is hosted by CPBI Manitoba & Saskatchewan

Member Rate           $25

Non Member Rate     $65

Register online to receive the link to the recording
B.C.: The New Frontier for DB and TB Pension Plan Funding

(held April 10, 2024)

The session will review how the Target Benefit (TB) Plan and Defined Benefit (DB) Plan funding rules have changed in B.C. We will highlight what the old rules were, and how the new rules have interacted with changes in the economic environment to allow more pension plans to deliver benefit improvements recently. Topics covered will include:

  • Summary of old rules and issues they created
  • Summary of the improved new rules
  • Examples of how TB and DB plans comply with the new rules
  • Ideas on how the funding changes have allowed plan design to evolve
  • Summary of differences in Alberta and Saskatchewan

This session is hosted by CPBI Pacific

Member Rate           $25

Non Member Rate     $75

Register online to receive the link to the recording
Formation - Placement de base

(held April 9, 2024)

Cette formation s’adresse aux personnes qui désirent se familiariser avec les principes de bases en placement. Nous ferons un survol des concepts suivant: les classes d'actif, le rendement/risque, la gestion d'un portefeuille de placement et le choix des gestionnaires.

* Une attestation vous sera remise à la fin de ce cours.

This session is hosted by CPBI Quebec

Member Rate           $290

Non Member Rate     $440

Student                    $145

Register online to receive the link to the recording

Our Government's Impact On Benefit Plans: A Legislation Update

(held April 3, 2024)

Employers are focused on providing an Employee Value Proposition that incorporates an engaging employee benefits offer that is simultaneously well-balanced and market competitive. But the work world is changing and so are employee expectations. Economic uncertainty continues to impact business practices. Markets are being tested by skills and labour shortages in some areas and oversupply in others. Inflationary pressures are felt by employers and employees alike. Year over year, it becomes more challenging for employers to deliver benefits plans that are both cost effective and relevant to employees. Employers are equally tasked with staying on top of legislative changes that impact the way their benefits plans are designed and delivered. This session will provide a high level look at recent legislative changes at the federal and provincial level (with primary focus on Alberta and British Columbia) that are impacting benefit plans today.

This session is hosted by CPBI Northern Alberta, Southern Alberta & Pacific

Member Rate           $25

Non Member Rate     $40

Register online to receive the link to the recording
Charting Unique Pathways: Enhancing Member Experience

(held March 27, 2024)

Join us for an insightful session titled "Charting Unique Pathways: Enhancing Member Experience," where we delve into the pivotal realm of Member Experience Journey Mapping. Discover the profound impact of positive member experiences on engagement, retention, and overall satisfaction. Uncover the art of creating compelling member journey maps through a step-by-step process, including data collection, mapping the journey, and identifying opportunities for innovation.

This session is hosted by CPBI Saskatchewan

Member Rate           $20

Non Member Rate     $55

Register online to receive the link to the recording
Service Canada Presents: Canada Dental Care Plan Explained

(held March 12, 2024)

Join us on Tuesday, March 12 - Service Canada Citizen Service Specialist Vickey Williams will provide an overview of the new Canadian Dental Care Program (CDCP). Vicky will share enrollment and eligibility criteria, coordination of benefits, what services are covered and will answer questions which may be submitted in advance of the presentation.    

This session is hosted by CPBI Manitoba

Member Rate           $25

Non Member Rate     $65

Register online to receive the link to the recording
The Pulse on Pensions: What Practitioners Need to Know in 2024

(held March 7, 2024)

This session will cover legal, legislative and regulatory updates including:

  • A discussion of recent pension law cases,
  • The federal Pension Protection Act and what it means for employers with DB plans,
  • CAPSA’s draft Risk Management Guideline and how administrators can prepare for its release.

This session is hosted by CPBI Pacific

Member Rate           $79

Non Member Rate     $119

Register online to receive the link to the recording
Les technologies au service de la gestion de l’invalidité

(held February 29, 2024)

Les technologies au service de la gestion de l’invalidité telles que l’intelligence artificielle et l’analyse prédictive.

Cette session s'adresse à des généralistes RH, des travailleurs du milieu de l’assurance, des courtiers, des entrepreneurs ou des dirigeants.

This session is hosted by CPBI Quebec

Member Rate           $25

Non Member Rate     $40

Student                    $15

Register online to receive the link to the recording
Innovations in Defined Contribution Plans

(held February 28, 2024)

As the Canadian pension landscape shifts from defined benefit pension plans to defined contribution plans, we are seeing the challenges facing retirees as they transition from growing their retirement accounts during their working years to converting them to income for retirement.

In this session, we will look at the limitations of the current options available to retirees, and then look to the future at new solutions, including Advanced Life Deferred Annuities, Variable Pension Life Annuities, and other innovations designed to better support retirees in securing predictable and affordable income through retirement.

This session is hosted by CPBI Saskatchewan

Member Rate           $20

Non Member Rate     $55

Register online to receive the link to the recording
CPBI Ontario Webinar - Fostering the wellbeing of women at work

(held February 27, 2024)

From menstruation to menopause, family planning and beyond, women* face unique health challenges that are often misunderstood or overlooked in the workplace. Investing in the health and wellness of women fosters a culture of caring and can have numerous positive effects, both for the individuals and the organization. Some key benefits are improved employee morale, positive impacts on mental health, increased productivity, better work-life balance, minimized absenteeism and support for recruitment and retention. 

This session is hosted by CPBI Ontario

Member Rate           $15

Non Member Rate     $25

Student                    $15

Register online to receive the link to the recording
Health is Wealth: Employer ROI is to focus on Mental Health and Financial Health

(held February 21, 2024)

Holistic health and wellness are made up of many facets, but which ones are most intertwined with where we work? What is the highest want and need for Employees? What is the highest impact for Employers? Workplace mental health and financial health. Learn more about how the workplace can influence employee mental health and financial health and how data shows they are intricately linked.

This session is hosted by CPBI Southern Alberta

Member Rate           $25

Non Member Rate     $40

Register online to receive the link to the recording
Avantages sociaux et relevés de fin d'année

(held January 25, 2024)

En tant qu'entreprise vous devez inscrire certains avantages ou déductions sur les feuillets fiscaux de vos employés. Cette séance fera un survol des principales obligations en la matière, et des meilleures pratiques entourant la communication pour que vos employé(e)s profitent au maximum de leur déclaration d'impôts et évitent des erreurs ou des oublis courants.

Cette présentation s'adresse aux employeurs de toutes tailles, aux professionnels et professionnelles des ressources humaines, de la rémunération et des avantages sociaux.

This session is hosted by CPBI Quebec

Member Rate           $25

Non Member Rate     $40

Student                   $15

Register online to receive the link to the recording
Tools & Resources to Build a Healthy Workplace

(held January 24, 2024)

This session will provide you with information on how to build the healthiest workplace for your organization.  Today, more than ever, employees and their families are seeking tools and resources to help them through their days, whether it be for the stress of the daily struggle, the challenges they are facing in today's economy, or trying to plan for their future while they feel the world is working against them.  There are endless amounts of programs and resources that can be shared with your employees to help them feel supported so they can give their best at work and home.  Join us in this hour long session to learn effective ways to enhance your current wellness programs.

This session is hosted by CPBI Pacific

Member Rate           $25

Non Member Rate     $75

Register online to receive the link to the recording
Prévisions économiques 2024

(held January 17, 2024)

Nous sommes présentement à un point où il y a passablement de divergence sur les vues des spécialistes en matière économique et financière. L’économie est-elle, ou va-t-elle aller en récession? Si oui, verra-t-on une faible récession ou une récession sévère? Les taux d’intérêt vont-ils demeurer relativement hauts ou baisser en 2024? S’ils baissent, quand cela arrivera-t-il? Certains anticipent un rendement positif sur les marchés boursiers en 2024. Est-ce réaliste? Venez écouter nos trois panélistes qui vous aideront à y voir plus clair sur ce qui risque d’arriver en 2024 au niveau économique et financier. Nos deux panélistes qui étaient présents l’an dernier en profiteront pour revenir sur leurs prévisions d’alors.

This session is hosted by CPBI Quebec

Member Rate           $100

Non Member Rate     $150

Student                   $45

Register online to receive the link to the recording

Élaborer un régime d’avantages sociaux adapté aux besoins de votre entreprise au Québec

(held November 30, 2023)

Cette formation s’adresse aux personnes qui désirent se familiariser avec les principes de bases en assurance et rentes collectives. Les participants apprendront comment concevoir et mettre en place un régime d’avantages sociaux adapté aux besoins de leur entreprise selon sa culture, le budget, et l’impact voulu sur sa marque employeur. Finalement ils apprendront comment utiliser leur régime pour obtenir un meilleur rapport qualité prix.

This session is hosted by CPBI Quebec

Member Rate           $290

Non Member Rate     $440

Student                   $145

Register online to receive the link to the recording

Artificial intelligence is here to stay: Are we prepared?

(held November 21, 2023)

Artificial Intelligence (AI) is an area of significant interest and poised to have a greater impact for pensions and benefits industry participants. As this field continues to emerge, CPBI is committed to shedding light on the potential governance, legal, and regulatory implications that may arise.

The panel discussion will address the specific impact and implications of AI in the industry. Panelists will be share their perspective from human resources, legal, and regulatory points of view.

Attend this session to to learn how AI is shaping and will continue to shape the pension and benefits landscape and whether the industry is prepared for these changes.

This session is valuable for fiduciaries, plan sponsors and individuals who have a governance role in plans and those advising them in this emerging area.

This session is hosted by CPBI National, Atlantic, Ontario, Manitoba, Saskatchewan, Northern Alberta, Southern Alberta and Pacific.

Member Rate           $25

Non Member Rate     $40

Register online to receive the link to the recording
Formation - Placement de base

(held November 8, 2023)

Cette formation s’adresse aux personnes qui désirent se familiariser avec les principes de bases en placement. Nous ferons un survol des concepts suivant: les classes d'actif, le rendement/risque, la gestion d'un portefeuille de placement et le choix des gestionnaires.

* Une attestation vous sera remise à la fin de ce cours.

This session is hosted by CPBI Quebec

Member Rate           $290

Non Member Rate     $440

Student                   $145

Register online to receive the link to the recording

Symposium ICRA Quebec

(held November 2, 2023)

Le 2 novembre, joignez-vous à vos pairs et aux experts de l'industrie pour le Symposium en ligne 2023 de l’ICRA, offert en partenariat avec l’IFEBP.

Rejoignez des collègues influents du secteur pour explorer des solutions innovantes en matière de pensions, d'avantages sociaux et d'investissements, présentées par des promoteurs de régimes, des consultants et des professionnels aguerris. Le tout offert en ligne, en français.

This session is hosted by CPBI Quebec

Member Rate           $195

Non Member Rate     $295

Student                   $100

Register online to receive the link to the recording

The Wild West of Pensions Regulators

(held October 19, 2023)

Join us for a unique opportunity to hear about pension regulatory developments from Western Canada’s pension regulators, including the BC Financial Services Authority, Alberta Treasury Board and Finance, the Financial and Consumer Affairs Authority of Saskatchewan, and the Manitoba Financial Services Agency. Speakers will provide the latest regulatory updates and share their areas of regulatory focus in the coming years. The Canada Revenue Agency will also provide an update on recent regulatory developments and insights into upcoming changes.

This session is hosted by CPBI Pacific, Southern Alberta, Northern Alberta, Saskatchewan and Manitoba.

Member Rate           $25

Non Member Rate     $40

Register online to receive the link to the recording
Régimes de retraite niveau 1

(held October 16-17, 2023)

Cette formation s’adresse aux personnes qui souhaitent acquérir des notions générales sur l’ensemble des aspects entourant la gestion et l’administration des régimes de retraite.

This session is hosted by CPBI Quebec

Member Rate           $400

Non Member Rate     $600

Student                   $200

Register online to receive the link to the recording
Mental health in the workplace: What do we do now?

(held October 4, 2023)

While the shadows of the pandemic are beginning to fade, mental health issues aren't: 1 in 3 Canadians are still living with mental health disorders. For employers already struggling with a shortage of employees and who've spent the past 2 years investing in health and wellness initiatives, the situation is even more puzzling.

This presentation, which is based on an extensive study by The Conference Board of Canada, provides an overview of these initiatives, often rolled out in response to urgent needs.

This session is hosted by CPBI Pacific

Member Rate           $25

Non Member Rate     $75

Register online to receive the link to the recording
Formation - Régimes de retraite de base

(held October 4, 2023)

Cette formation s’adresse aux personnes qui désirent se familiariser avec les principes de bases des régimes de retraite.

* Une attestation vous sera remise à la fin de ce cours.

This session is hosted by CPBI Quebec

Member Rate           $175

Non Member Rate     $280

Student                   $90

Register online to receive the link to the recording
The Road to Better Outcomes: 2023 MFS Global Retirement Survey

(held September 13, 2023)

A member informed, is a member engaged. Join MFS to learn what members are telling us about the various facets of the group retirement space in Canada through the key findings of the 2023 MFS Global Retirement Survey. This presentation of survey results explores many topics including:

  • Target Date Funds: what characteristics do member's value, and how are they using or misusing target date funds
  • Retirement Planning and Advice: what forms and methods do members prefer to receive when planning for the future
  • Retirement Confidence: What are the main factors contributing to overall confidence related to a members' financial wellbeing
  • ESG: the demand for and incorporation into retirement plans
Plan sponsors and their partners will walk away with actionable takeaways to help lead effective conversations related to member engagement, communication and plan participation.

This session is hosted by CPBI Pacific

Member Rate           $25

Non Member Rate     $75

Register online to receive the link to the recording
CPBI Ontario Webinar - Should ESG and DEI be integrated into retirement programs?

(held July 11, 2023)

Where do retirement programs land in the backdrop of growing ESG and DEI advocacy and progressive corporate policy? Our panel will discuss the potential for integration of these issues in retirement programs, availability of investment products, and potential conflicts that may arise.

This session is hosted by CPBI Ontario

Member Rate           $25

Non Member Rate     $40

Student                   $15

Register online to receive the link to the recording
Option 2 Ateliers : Élaboration d’une politique de placement et comment structurer son portefeuille en actions

(held June 22, 2023)

La première partie de cet atelier consistera à couvrir, de manière pratique, les différentes étapes qui sont entreprises lors de l’élaboration d’une politique de placement dont l’élément le plus important est l’allocation cible. En effet, de 85% à 90% du risque d’investissement proviendra de l’allocation cible qui aura été choisie.

Ainsi, dans un premier temps, cet atelier permettra aux participants de vivre une situation réelle d’établissement de l’allocation cible. La première étape consistera à passer en revue comment les hypothèses économiques devraient être établies. Par la suite, un rapport contenant des analyses sur différentes allocations cible sera revu en détail. Suite à des discussions sur le rapport, des éléments seront ajoutés aux analyses initiales afin d’aider à déterminer l’allocation cible qui devrait être choisie. À cet égard, une attention particulière sera portée au risque que représentent les différentes allocations. Enfin, cette partie de l’atelier portera sur la mise en place des différents autres éléments faisant partie de la politique de placement.

This session is hosted by CPBI Quebec

Member Rate           $290

Non Member Rate     $440

Student                   $145

Register online to receive the link to the recording
FORUM 2023

(held June 5-7, 2023)

Did you know you can view past presentations given at FORUM 2023? If you weren't registered for the live conference , you can opt to register now and access all content on-demand.

This session is hosted by CPBI National

Member Rate           $349

Non Member Rate     $675

Register online to receive the link to the recording

Obesity: The Science, Impacts and Strategies

(held May 24, 2023)

Obesity is on the rise globally and efforts to address it are challenging due to misconceptions about obesity and the role it plays in a person’s health.

By 2035, it is expected that 1 in 4 people will be living with obesity which is estimated to be 1.9 billion people. The estimated global economic impact of obesity by 2035 is $4.32 trillion dollars. This session will dive deeper into the science, misconceptions and complexities of this chronic disease, along with strategies employers can use to improve healthy outcomes.

This session is hosted by CPBI Northern Alberta, Southern Alberta, Saskatchewan & Manitoba

Member Rate           $25

Non Member Rate     $40

               Student                   $15              

Register online to receive the link to the recording
Placement niveau 1

(held May 15-16, 2023)

Ce cours s’adresse aux gens qui désirent mieux comprendre les différents aspects de la gestion et de l'évaluation des placements au sein d’un comité de retraite.

* Ce cours donne 10 UFC à la Chambre de la Sécurité financière

This session is hosted by CPBI Quebec

Member Rate           $400

Non Member Rate     $200

Student                   $600

Register online to receive the link to the recording
CPBI Ontario Webinar - Re-thinking mental-health absence and disability management: Innovative new ways to support return to work

(held May 9, 2023)

Studies have shown that the Canadian economy loses at least $50 billion annually due to mental-health issues and that chronic conditions such as depression and anxiety are major reasons for long-term disability. These claims are a complex matter for any employer to manage and it can be difficult to know where to start. Join this session to learn best practices in prevention and identifying early warning signs, how to better connect mental-health case management and new mental-health treatments that support returning to work sooner. This will be presented using real case studies and data-driven evidence.

This session is hosted by CPBI Ontario

Member Rate           $25

Non Member Rate     $40

               Student                   $15              

Register online to receive the link to the recording
The Evolution of Virtual Healthcare: Embracing Innovation & Bridging the Gaps

(held April 27, 2023)

Society has evolved to expect an on-demand digital experience. Workplaces have transformed to have satellite offices, remote locations and more people working from home. How will healthcare keep up with the changing dynamics and our multi-generational workforce? Join us for a moderated panel session with 3 virtual healthcare providers in Canada, to learn more. Discover how organizations are evolving to meet the health and wellness needs of a digital savvy work force. 

We held this session on June 30, 2020 so we will compare what Virtual Healthcare looks like now compared to 3 years ago!

This session is hosted by CPBI Southern Alberta

Member Rate           $25

Non Member Rate     $40

Register online to receive the link to the recording
Show Me the Money: Rewards in a Changing Environment

(held April 26, 2023)

In this session, Carolyn Kildare from Mercer will share insights from Mercer’s global and local research on compensation and rewards trends. We will touch on the key findings from Mercer’s Global Talent Trends study, delve into what’s on employee’s minds, and consider trends in total rewards and compensation.

This session is hosted by CPBI Manitoba

Member Rate           $25

Non Member Rate     $65

Student                   $25

Register online to receive the link to the recording
Régimes de retraite et gouvernance climatique

(held April 18, 2023)

Cette présentation est présentée d’un point de vue stratégique; pourquoi faut-il instaurer une gouvernance climatique au sein d’un CA d’un régime de retraite?

Les thèmes abordés seront:

  • Court portrait des changements climatiques, ses conséquences et les actons requises
  • Risques climatiques (physiques et de transition)
  • Obligations légales des fiduciaires (opinion de Randy Bauslaugh)
  • Stratégies d’investissement qui tiennent compte du risque climatique
  • Évolution de la réglementation et des soft law (ACOR, TCFD, ISSB, etc.)
  • Litiges climatiques
  • Remplir ses devoirs fiduciaires en tant que régime de retraite.

This session is hosted by CPBI Quebec

Member Rate           $25

Non Member Rate     $40

     Student                   $15     

Register online to receive the link to the recording
Benefits & Underwriting 201

(held April 13, 2023)

In this webinar, we’re going to explore what really makes your benefits plan “tick”. What are employees really looking for? What are typical “blind spots” employers ignore that drive up costs and claims? Why is benefits communication so vital? What are the pitfalls of benchmarking? Join Kandy as we walk through issues and practical ideas that can take your benefits plan from “blah” to “yeah”!

This session is hosted by CPBI Pacific

Member Rate           $25

            Non Member Rate     $75            

Register online to receive the link to the recording
Best practices of Pension and Benefit Communication

(held March 23, 2023)

In this presentation, Nicole Quintal will explore the rapidly changing technology landscape and the opportunities it may present to enhance pension and benefits communications.

This session is hosted by CPBI Saskatchewan

Member Rate           $20

Non Member Rate    $55

Register online to receive the link to the recording
CPBI Ontario Webinar - Inpatriate Benefit Solutions

(held March 21, 2023)

Canada’s labour market is more dependent than ever on inpatriate workers to address worker shortages and demographic changes due to the declining birthrate and retiring baby boomers. Ottawa’s ambitious plan to welcome 500,000 immigrants per year by 2025 will help boost the workforce, as will temporary foreign workers, work permit holders, and Canadian expatriates returning home.

These individuals may not be eligible for provincial or territorial health coverage for some time upon arrival leaving them with a gap in coverage. An inpatriate healthcare plan protects visitors to Canada, including workers, international students, and embassy employees, until they qualify for provincial healthcare, or for their full work term in Canada.

This session is hosted by CPBI Ontario

Member Rate           $25

Non Member Rate     $40

Student                   $15

Register online to receive the link to the recording
DC Pension Plans Update

(held March 9, 2023)

Neil Lloyd and Dasha Zuck will discuss current trends and some future developments impacting Capital Accumulation Plans, their members, and the companies that sponsor these arrangements.

This session is hosted by CPBI Pacific

Member Rate           $25

Non Member Rate    $75

Register online to receive the link to the recording

Pension & Benefit Legal Update

(held February 16, 2023)

Join Sean Maxwell, from Blake, Cassels & Graydon LLP as he gives an update on:

  • Legislative and regulatory developments over the past year of interest to administrators of pension plans with Alberta & BC members,
  • Recent case law developments involving pension and benefit arrangements and potential discrimination complaints that may arise in the context of such plans, and
  • Considerations for employers in developing COVID-19 related testing and vaccination requirements in the workplace.

This session is hosted by CPBI Southern Alberta, Northern Alberta and Pacific

Member Rate           $25

Non Member Rate     $40

Register online to receive the link to the recording
Cyber Security 2.0 – Revenge of the Insider

(held February 1, 2023)

Building on the Cyber Heroes presentation, we’ll talk more about how security concepts and approaches apply to those that are on the “inside” and could be intentionally, or more often accidentally, part of a cyber security issue you could end up having to manage. There will be some repetition from the earlier presentation but more detail or explanation where appropriate. Attendance of the previous presentation will not be necessary but attendees of that presentation will likely have more awareness of some of the concepts.

This session is hosted by CPBI Saskatchewan

Member Rate           $20

Non Member Rate     $55

Register online to receive the link to the recording
Virtual Care and EAP 101

(held January 12, 2023)

Employee Health & Wellness programs are evolving.  Quickly.  According to the September 2022 Benefits Canada Health Survey, 29% of plan sponsors now include a virtual health care (or telemedicine) service as part of their benefits plan offering.  In addition, only 39% of employees are satisfied with the level of service provided by their employer's existing Employee Assistance Programs. 

Join us as Jon and Natasha take us through a discussion of how virtual care & EFAP continues to impact the Canadian workplace, what the future may have in store, and why that matters to employers.  We will discuss the key challenges these programs are designed to address and the preliminary results thus far.

This session is hosted by CPBI Pacific

Member Rate           $25

Non Member Rate    $75

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Moving from stress to security: Financial well-being supports and education

(held November 24, 2022)

Financial well-being is when you’ve met your current commitments and needs comfortably and have the financial resilience to maintain this in the future.  It can mean having control over your finances, being able to navigate a financial setback, meeting your financial goals or having the freedom to make choices that let you find balance in your life. Financial well-being has become important to Canadians and relevant to everybody in some way.

This session is hosted by CPBI Saskatchewan

Member Rate           $20

Non Member Rate    $55

Register online to receive the link to the recording
Best Practices of Employee Group Benefits

(held November 17, 2022)

Analyzing and negotiating employee benefits at renewal is vital to the skill set of an HR professional. In this CPBI session, we will examine the advanced tools and best practices that employee benefit providers use in formulating packages. This knowledge will strengthen the expertise and effectiveness as a HR professional and skilled negotiator.

The course is focused on group benefits from a payroll, human resources and financial point of view.

Attending will provide a blueprint on how your benefits providers create employee group benefits programs.

This session is hosted by CPBI Southern Alberta

Member Rate           $25

Non Member Rate    $40

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Tools to Create a Healthy Work Culture

(held November 16, 2022)

Join us November 16, 2022, for an online CPBI London Ontario session on Tools to Create a Healthy Work Culture.  Our 1-hour session from 1:00 pm ET will have two great speakers.

Harriet Ekperigin from Green Shield Canada will discuss the impact of mental health on the Canadian workforce and tools employers can engage to support this growing population. 

Neena Gupta, an employment and human rights lawyer and partner at Gowling WLG will follow with a discussion on the legislation in place to support employees including the objectives of the most recent Right to Disconnect legislation. 

The pandemic has blurred the lines between work and personal life driving a higher incidence of burnout and flagging gaps.  Neena will discuss the organizational culture shift required to address these gaps.  Attendees will walk away with areas of focus to explore within organizations to help identify possible changes in keeping with the intention of legislation.

This session is hosted by CPBI Ontario

Member Rate           $25

Non Member Rate    $40

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Virtual Health - The Rise Of Virtual Care: Why Now?

(held November 3, 2022)

The last few years have dramatically changed how we interact with the world, including how we choose to receive physical and mental health care. Although virtual care had started to carve out its place in the Canadian landscape before COVID-19, the pandemic significantly accelerated its adoption across the country. Join us as we explore:

What is Virtual Health and how does it work?

Why are Canadian patients and clinicians choosing to use it?

What are employers looking for when considering virtual care as part of their employee benefits strategy?

This session is hosted by CPBI Northern Alberta

Member Rate           $25

Non Member Rate     $40

Student                   $15

Register online to receive the link to the recording
Drug Plan Management

(held October 27, 2022)

An overview and commentary on topics such as: National Pharmacare, Industry Updates, Canadian Pharmacy Landscape, Biosimilars, and Cost Control Management.

This session is hosted by CPBI Saskatchewan

Member Rate           $20

Non Member Rate     $55

Register online to receive the link to the recording
Cyber Risk Management and Insurance Considerations

(held October 20, 2022)

Join us to hear from Dan Lewis, Senior Vice President, Canadian Management Liability Practice Leader at Gallagher. Dan will give a perspective of the current cyber threat landscape that all organizations are dealing with and dive into what cyber insurance is, what it provides and the critical first steps sponsors need to take to become insurable.

This session is hosted by CPBI Southern Alberta

Member Rate           $25

Non Member Rate     $40

Register online to receive the link to the recording
Pension and Employee Benefits Updates for 2022

(held October 18, 2022)

This session will provide an overview of key recent legislative, regulatory and caselaw updates across the country for pension and employee benefits for employers and plan administrators.  In particular, this session will cover trends in the industry as well as recent releases from the Canadian Association of Pension Supervisory Authorities, the Financial Services Regulatory Authority of Ontario, and the federal Department of Finance on a number of topics.

This session is hosted by CPBI Ontario

Member Rate           $25

Non Member Rate     $40

Student                   $15

Register online to receive the link to the recording
Future of Pharmacy Practice: the pharmacist’s role in enhancing the health of your employees

(held October 13, 2022)

This session will provide an overview of key recent legislative, regulatory and caselaw updates across the country for pension and employee benefits for employers and plan administrators.  In particular, this session will cover trends in the industry as well as recent releases from the Canadian Association of Pension Supervisory Authorities, the Financial Services Regulatory Authority of Ontario, and the federal Department of Finance on a number of topics.

This session is hosted by CPBI Ontario

Member Rate           $25

Non Member Rate     $75

Register online to receive the link to the recording
Diversity, Equity & Inclusion (DEI)

(held October 5, 2022)

Is your workplace truly inclusive of all its employees? When reviewing your organization with a Diversity, Equity & Inclusion (DEI) perspective, where do you start? This session will share best practices on developing and implementing a comprehensive DEI strategy for workplaces, including legal and reputational risks, responsibilities, and communication and change management considerations.

Mercer Canada is a leader in the DEl consulting space, with a network of DEl consultants around the world that help clients create more diverse equitable and inclusive cultures in their workplaces. We conduct global DEI research into the policies, practices, motivations, and organizational structures that companies use to sustain their DEl programs. We have a team with 50 years of experience in building surveys and leading employee diversity research. Most importantly, we strive to "walk the talk": Our Canadian CEO, Jaqui Parchment, is a board member for the Black North Initiative; as a firm, we volunteer with Women in Governance to support their parity certification process; and members of our proposed consulting team are fluent in both national languages and serve as BRG leaders within Mercer focused on women and on race and ethnic diversity.

This session is hosted by CPBI Pacific

Member Rate           $25

Non Member Rate     $75

Register online to receive the link to the recording
Attracting and Retaining Talent in a Post Covid era

(held September 22, 2022)

Over the past couple of years plan sponsors have been facing increasing pressures with regards to retaining and attracting employees.

The new reality of work is comprised of office, hybrid and home workers, which presents unique challenges when developing or reviewing a compensation package that will provide what these three groups of workers may be looking for.

Join us for a moderated Q&A where speakers Brent Dul, Executive VP,  Integrated Talent Solutions at Randstad and Carolyn Kildare, Principal, Career Services at Mercer Canada discusses the current labour market, employee concerns with the current work environment, budgeting for total compensation, and finally what makes plan sponsors successful in attracting and retaining employees.

This session is hosted by CPBI Southern Alberta

Member Rate           $25

Non Member Rate     $75

Register online to receive the link to the recording
The Growth and Implications of Digital Assets

(held September 20, 2022)

Digital assets and the blockchain that underpins them is having an impact on institutional investors and their portfolios.
Join CPBI Ontario for a discussion on emerging and evolving technologies, and see how they are impacting the way we do business.
Learn how financial institutions are defining digital assets, the technology being developed to support them and what financial institutions should be aware of and investing in to keep up with growing demand.

This session is hosted by CPBI Ontario

Member Rate           $25

 Non Member Rate     $40

 Student                   $15

Register online to receive the link to the recording
Trust Governance and Leadership Practices in Today’s Rapidly Evolving Environment

(held September 15, 2022)

The pandemic and other world events over the past couple of years have had significant and varied impacts onplan Trustees. Issues such as mental health and wellness, climate change, reconciliation, racial injustice, innovation, and supply chain pressures are now at the forefront and have implications for this sector like never before. This, in turn, has created unique pressure points for the governance of such plans and their investments. In this engaging panel, senior leaders will highlight emerging trends affecting trustees and discuss the corresponding implications and practice points for governance. Topic areas for discussion may include:

  • Re-thinking how to set Trustees up for success in their roles through orientation, ongoing development, and meeting practice design
  • Reflection of Values and incorporating ESG into decision making -Considerations for ensuring strong Board oversight of critical areas impacting plans and investments (including strategy, risk, ESG, innovation, and other critical areas)
  • Framework for Trust Governance -Implications and determination of board responsibilities and composition, including Trustee appointment and succession
  • Investment Fiduciary Duties
  • Best Practices in Trust Governance/Current State of Practice.

This session is hosted by CPBI Pacific

Member Rate           $25

 Non Member Rate     $75

Register online to receive the link to the recording
Disruption by Innovative Pension Plans

(held September 7, 2022)

Sponsors are always looking for new and innovative ways of offering pensions.  This extended session provides some solutions and food for thought on what some plans are doing in this space.  It starts with a speakers panel on Retirement income with a focus on innovative and disruptive retirement plans. We will hear on the challenges and offerings from a multi employer DC pension plan , a group plan and a multiemployer plan.  The format is to have these plans speak about their innovative plan in a session along with some other leaders in of innovative retirement plans with a 10 – 15 minute opening remarks followed by an audience Q&A.

This session is hosted by CPBI Pacific

Member Rate           $25

 Non Member Rate     $75

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L’inflation : le rôle des banques centrales et des gouvernements et son impact sur les marchés financiers

(held August 31, 2022)

Avec un IPC de 7.7% en mai et de 8.1% en juin, l’inflation connait sa plus forte hausse depuis près de 40 ans. Pour tenter de freiner celle-ci, la Banque du Canada a relevé son taux directeur à quatre reprises depuis mars 2022 pour passer de 0.25% en février à 2.50% à la mi-juillet. La dernière hausse d’un point en a surpris plusieurs qui s’attendaient plutôt à une hausse de 0.75 point. La guerre en Ukraine, le niveau de consommation intérieur, la pénurie de main-d’œuvre sont quelques-uns des facteurs qui contribuent à l’augmentation de celle-ci.
Le 31 aout 2022, l’ICRA vous propose une session pour mieux comprendre l'influence des politiques monétaires sur l’inflation et l’impact de cette dernière sur les marchés financiers.

Nos panélistes vous parleront des différents facteurs qui influencent l’inflation et de l’incidence de celle-ci sur les marchés financiers, les taux d’intérêt, etc.

This session is hosted by CPBI Quebec

Member Rate           $35 

Non Member Rate     $55

 Student                   $15

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Pension Plan as a Service - Provide a pension plan and stay focused on your business

(held July 12,2022)

Today’s labour market favours sellers, not buyers.  You need an edge to get the talent you need in the increasingly fierce competition for skilled employees.  Offering a pension plan can help, but how do you do that without taking on the costs, risk, and work of pension management? In this session, attendees will learn about a new way to offer pension programs and whether it may be the right fit for their workplaces.

This session is hosted by CPBI Ontario

Member Rate           $25 

Non Member Rate     $40

Student                   $15

Register online to receive the link to the recording
Benefits & Underwriting 101

(held June 9, 2022)

Whether you’re new to the employee benefits industry or need a refresher as you jump into a new role, this session is for you!  Join Kandy as we talk through all things employee benefits: plan design, funding, basic underwriting considerations, and terminology.

This session is hosted by CPBI Pacific

Member Rate           $25 

Non Member Rate     $75

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Atelier : Comment structurer son portefeuille en actions

(held June 9, 2022)

Cet atelier sera consacrée à l’établissement de la structure en actions, un élément souvent traité de façon sommaire dans la pratique.

Après avoir été informés des différents critères qui devraient être considérés dans l’établissement d’une structure de gestion, les participants auront l’occasion de passer en revue un rapport typique d’établissement d’une structure de gestion en actions. Ce rapport permettra aux participants de comprendre comment des mesures relatives aux rendements peuvent être utilisées afin de déterminer le profil rendement-risque attendu de différentes structures en actions et de voir comment ces structures peuvent se comporter dans différents environnements de marché. Des mesures de complémentarité entre les différents gestionnaires dans la structure seront également présentées.  

This session is hosted by CPBI Quebec

Member Rate           $125

Non Member Rate     $210

Student                     $70

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Atelier : Élaboration d’une politique de placement 

(held June 8, 2022)

Cet atelier consistera à couvrir, de manière pratique, les différentes étapes qui sont entreprises lors de l’élaboration d’une politique de placement dont l’élément le plus important est l’allocation cible. En effet, de 85% à 90% du risque d’investissement proviendra de l’allocation cible qui aura été choisie.

Ainsi, dans un premier temps, cet atelier permettra aux participants de vivre une situation réelle d’établissement de l’allocation cible. La première étape consistera à passer en revue comment les hypothèses économiques devraient être établies. Par la suite, un rapport contenant des analyses sur différentes allocations cible sera revu en détail. Suite à des discussions sur le rapport, des éléments seront ajoutés aux analyses initiales afin d’aider à déterminer l’allocation cible qui devrait être choisie. À cet égard, une attention particulière sera portée au risque que représentent les différentes allocations. Enfin, cette partie de l’atelier portera sur la mise en place des différents autres éléments faisant partie de la politique de placement.

This session is hosted by CPBI Quebec

Member Rate           $125 

Non Member Rate     $210

Student                     $70

Register online to receive the link to the recording
Managing the New Normal 2.0: A Legal Update

(held June 7, 2022)

Employers continue to navigate new legal frontiers with respect to the impacts of the pandemic on the workforce. It is more important than ever that employers make informed decisions on employment policies and practices.

Our speakers will provide a legal perspective on the ways in which COVID-19 will continue to affect workplaces in Atlantic Canada, even after a return to largely in-person activities, covering such topics as:

  • Accommodation requests for continued remote work
  • Post-mandate vaccine and social distancing practices, and related privacy and safety concerns
  • Maintaining a psychologically healthy and respectful workforce
  • Litigating the COVID-19 fallout – trends in employee claims
  • Engagement and retention strategies

This session is hosted by CPBI Atlantic

Member Rate           $30

  Non Member Rate     $50 

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Assurance collective - 2 jours : choisir son assureur ou son mode de gestion

(held May 31 - June 1, 2022)

Cette formation s’adresse aux personnes qui désirent se familiariser avec les principes de bases en assurance et rentes collective et qui doivent prendre des décisions par rapport aux fournisseurs de services retenus.

On y explorera les types d'ententes de services qui peuvent exister, le mécanisme d'appel d'offres et comment choisir son assureur et interpréter les tarifications proposées. On discutera aussi de la gestion générale du dossier d'assurance collective.

This session is hosted by CPBI Quebec

Member Rate           $175 

Non Member Rate     $280

Student                     $90

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Pharmacogenetics – Leveraging genetics to improve patient treatment and reduce spending

(held May 26, 2022)

Pharmacogenetics is increasingly being used by healthcare providers to improve the safety and effectiveness of medications. This medical advancement aims not to treat the patient as a statistic but rather as an individual with unique characteristics that make them more or less suited to take certain medications. As mental health issues become amplified within the current global context, providers of healthcare management services are looking for medical innovations to maximize the efficiency of patient treatments. With its ease of use and demonstrated benefit, pharmacogenomics has positioned itself as a stepping-stone towards integrating precision medicine in medication therapy management programs.

This session is hosted by CPBI Saskatchewan

Member Rate           $20 

Non Member Rate     $55

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Resilience and Respect in the Workplace

(held May 19, 2022)

Many challenges can arise in an employee’s life that will test their resilience.  These include workplace stress and adversity, financial difficulties, relationship problems and health issues.  Poor resilience on an individual employee level can weaken overall business resilience.  Productivity can decline, absence and associated costs can increase and the retention of valuable employees can suffer.  Poor resilience on an individual has compounding effects on respect in the workplace. Resilience in the workplace cannot be fostered without a solid foundation of respect for one another. They go hand in hand.

There are many solutions that can help.  Resilience isn’t static – and all employees can learn, training and further develop it.  Whether someone is naturally resilient or not, they can build their resilience over time.  Resiliency truly is a muscle that people can use and grow.

Diversity, inclusion and belonging, when embedded effectively, ties into leadership and management seamlessly. It isn’t a program, but a shift in how organizations operate. It’s accepting that things like privilege and bias exist and many of us bring those things to work with us every day, sometimes with little awareness that they’re happening. We don’t know what we don’t know, and it’s simplistic to think we can fix things quickly with little effort. Our focus is better served through discussions around inclusion and how to “get familiar with the unfamiliar.”

It is important to remember that diversity is a fact, inclusion is a choice. You can have diversity and not have inclusion. When you focus only on diversity but fail to help your diverse team feel included, your team may not feel valued – in that case, you’ve just collected a lot of different people who are in the room or in the company together.

This session is hosted by CPBI Southern Alberta

Member Rate           $25 

Non Member Rate     $40

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Gender Implications for Pension and Benefit Plans- hosted by CPBI Atlantic

(held May 18, 2022)

With the expanded recognition of non-binary and transgender identification in society and at law, pension and benefit plan sponsors are reconsidering how gender impacts program design, delivery and governance.

The female longevity vs pension savings gap is coming under increased scrutiny by DC plan sponsors but what else do plan sponsors need to consider when it comes to gender? How should gender data be collected and used … if at all?

What are the obligations with respect to inclusive design and equitable outcomes? Please join us as pension and benefit experts explore the practical and legal implications of these questions as well as evolving market practices.

This session is hosted by CPBI Atlantic

Member Rate           $30 

Non Member Rate     $50

Student                     $30

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Post-COVID Perspectives on Pension and Benefits Plans

(held May 17, 2022)

COVID presented us all with new workplace realities.  What did we learn?  What changed legally? What insights did we gain about developing more effective and attractive workplaces and more effective and attractive pension and benefit arrangements to give our organizations an advantage in terms of cost efficiencies, responsiveness and attracting and retaining talent?  This interactive session will explore these themes from both a legal and a management perspective.

This session is hosted by CPBI Ontario

Member Rate           $25

Non Member Rate     $40

  Student                  $15

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Pension Administration Fundamentals Certificate

(held May 16-19, 2022)

This program is recommended for professionals working in the pension adminstration field for at least a year or more. This is an opportunity to enhance your skills and learn about best practices in the administration of registered pension plans.

This session is hosted by CPBI Manitoba

Member Rate           $400 

Non Member Rate     $600

Student                   $400

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EAP and Beyond - Rethinking Employer Mental Health Programs

(held May 10, 2022)

The last two years has had a profound effect on the mental health and wellbeing of many people. Well before the pandemic, mental illness was already the number one driver of absence and disability. COVID dramatically changed both the prevalence and severity of mental health across populations – as did the demand for support, which has put enormous pressure on delivery systems. Employee Assistance Programs (EAP) are now just one tool in an ever growing toolkit to support employee’s mental wellbeing. In this session, C.J. and Adam will share interesting data and trends around mental health with respect to key lessons in last 24 months. They will also share insights around innovative new programs that are helping to solve the treatment gap and a better level of connected care.

This session is hosted by CPBI Manitoba

Member Rate           $25 

Non Member Rate     $65

Student                   $25

Register online to receive the link to the recording
Diversité, l'équité et l’inclusion en assurance collective

(held April 28, 2022)

Diversité, l'équité et l’inclusion en assurance collective...

De plus en plus d'employeurs gèrent activement l'équité, la diversité et l'inclusion et les régimes d'avantages sociaux sont appelés à changer en conséquence. Cette session examinera certains aspects de l'ÉDI avec un survol des pratiques et des initiatives des assureurs, que ce soit des choix plus inclusifs dans les formulaires et les sites de promoteurs ou les nouveaux types de prestations telles que les garanties d'affirmation du genre.

This session is hosted by CPBI Quebec

Member Rate           $20 

Non Member Rate     $30

Student                   $15

Register online to receive the link to the recording
Decumulation: What is the problem we are trying to solve? A discussion with Neil Lloyd and Pat Leo

(held April 21, 2022)

Please join us for an informative and engaging discussion with Neil Lloyd, Partner and Western Canada Wealth Leader at Mercer Canada, and Pat Leo, VP, Longevity Retirement Solutions at Purpose Investments. The discussion will focus on decumulation and provide insights into the following:

  • What is decumulation?
  • When is the right time as a plan sponsor to think about incorporating a decumulation strategy?
  • How should plan sponsors think about decumulation?
  • How is the decumulation discussion evolving in other other countries?
  • What should plan members be thinking about as they approach their decumulation phase?
  • VPLAs, ALDAs, Variable Benefits.

This session is hosted by CPBI Southern Alberta

Member Rate           $25 

Non Member Rate     $40

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Creating a Health Culture; Understanding the Health Continuum

(held April 20, 2022)

People are an organization’s most valuable asset. Your employees’ physical and mental well¬being are crucial to your organization’s smooth operations and profitability. This is a shared responsibility that clearly belongs to each individual, but to the employer as well, who can make a difference. From prevention to an employee’s return to work, solutions must be put in place to support your employees and managers in any situation they might encounter at work.

Learn how to make prevention a key part of your strategy in order to:

  • Take positive steps regarding key factors to promote the health of your organization’s people and financial assets
  • Be proactive by offering your employees the right services at the right time
  • Assess the impact of your initiatives and generate results

This session is hosted by CPBI Ontario

Member Rate           $25 

Non Member Rate     $40

Student                   $15

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Economic Outlook Revisited: The Impact of Global Conflict

(held April 12, 2022)

In a few short months, much has changed in the world. War between Russia and Ukraine, the fallout of economic sanctions and rising oil prices, the NDP/Liberal alliance in Canada, and countries loosening COVID-19 restrictions in an effort to keep their economies moving forward. But what does this all mean for markets that have already seen a lot of turbulence in the first few months of 2022? What is the outlook for interest rates and inflation given everything that is occurring?

This session will revisit our expectations for the economy both domestically and globally, and focus on what we might expect for the rest of 2022 and looking forward into 2023 as key themes for various markets in a time of continued uncertainty.

This session is hosted by CPBI Manitoba

Member Rate           $25 

Non Member Rate     $65

Student                   $25

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Pension Design Innovation for the 21st Century

(held April 7, 2022)

This session will highlight the results of recent major legislative changes affecting defined benefit and target benefit pension plans and also provide an overview of BCFSA’s risk-based supervision framework which has been expanded to include the supervision of defined contribution pension plans.

This session is hosted by CPBI Pacific

Member Rate           $25 

Non Member Rate     $75

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Régimes de retraite niveau 1 - Modules 1 à 8

(held March 29 - April 7, 2022)

Cette formation s’adresse aux personnes qui souhaitent acquérir des notions générales sur l’ensemble des aspects entourant la gestion et l’administration des régimes de retraite.

* Donne 12 UFC en ACP à la Chambre de la Sécurité financière et

12,25 heures de formation reconnues par le Barreau du Québec

** Un nombre minimum d'inscriptions est requis pour que le cours soit offert

This session is hosted by CPBI Quebec

Member Rate           $260 

Non Member Rate     $400

Student                   $130

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Mental Health and Sustainable Return to Work: Supporting Employees Returning From Disability

(held March 24, 2022)

How do we effectively support employees when they are off work as a result of mental illness? This talk will explore the organizational foundations necessary to ensure employees have access to right supports while they are off work and you understand how a comprehensive mental health strategy can support managers to effectively bring staff back after a leave. Understanding the roles manager and human resources play in supporting staff and accommodating their return can be pivotal to the overall health and culture of an organization.

What impact have we seen on group benefit plans as it relates to mental health drug and disability claims throughout the pandemic.  This talk will provide a brief comparison look over the past 3 years on drug and disability trends and changes concerning mental health, and how we’re adapting and responding to these changes.  It will explore how Canadians are responding in general, and most importantly speak to how group insurers, like iA, are pivoting to better support plan sponsors and plan members with mental health related conditions and challenges.   The session will outline preventative and wellness solutions relating to mental health, and offer practical tips on how best to preserve workers in the workplace and ease employees back to work more quickly, safely and sustainably after a disability and amidst the pandemic.  

This session is hosted by CPBI Southern Alberta

Member Rate           $25 

Non Member Rate     $40

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How Pharmacies Can Help Plan Members Manage Chronic Health Conditions

(held March 22, 2022)

Plan members with chronic health conditions can impact the cost of a benefits plan significantly.  In this session, Carolyne Eagan will share how pharmacies can help members well beyond simply dispensing medication.  What tools and resources can a pharmacy offer to help members navigate their health and stay adherent to their medications?   What should plan sponsors look for in a preferred pharmacy to help their members manage their overall health and get the most out of their benefits plan?  Come learn answers to these questions that can help plan sponsors reduce costs while helping members achieve the best health outcomes. 

This session is hosted by CPBI Ontario

Member Rate           $25 

Non Member Rate     $62.50

Student                   $15

Register online to receive the link to the recording
CPBI in partnership with CFA Society Vancouver presents Big Change is Everywhere: Key Economic Themes

(held March 16, 2022)

This webinar explores key economic themes and risks during this tumultuous time. These include the path of the pandemic itself, high inflation, supply chain disruptions, the prospect of slower Chinese growth, and diminishing monetary and fiscal policy support. Structural subjects include aging populations, the impact of climate change, the possibility of faster innovation, plus a host of lingering post-pandemic consequences. These will all be discussed from a global vantage point, but also with Western Canadian considerations where appropriate.

This session is hosted by CPBI Pacific & CFA Society Vancouver

Member Rate           $15 

Non Member Rate     $25

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Prescription Drug Plan Management

(held March 15, 2022)

An overview and commentary on topics such as: National Pharmacare, Industry Updates, Canadian Pharmacy Landscape, Biosimilars, and Cost Control Management.  

This session is hosted by CPBI Manitoba

Member Rate           $25 

Non Member Rate     $65

Student                   $25

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Formation - Placement de base - 2 jours

(held March 9-10, 2022)

Cette formation s’adresse aux personnes qui désirent se familiariser avec les principes de bases en placement. Nous ferons un survol des concepts suivant: les classes d'actif, le rendement/risque, la gestion d'un portefeuille de placement et le choix des gestionnaires.

* Une attestation vous sera remise à la fin de ce cours. 

This session is hosted by CPBI Quebec

Member Rate           $175 

Non Member Rate     $280

Student                     $90

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Les médicaments biosimilaires - Un passage incontournable

(held March 8, 2022)

  • les biosimilaires vulgarisés, les produits canadiens autorisés et leur contrôle/efficacité/coûts.
  • historique/expérience de la substitution obligatoire par les biosimilaires au niveau canadien et du Québec
  • les étapes requises pour un passage rapide et efficace - démonstration par le processus utilisé par le régime d'assurance santé des professeurs et professeurs de l'Université Lava

This session is hosted by CPBI Quebec

Member Rate           $20 

Non Member Rate     $30

Student                     $15

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Glaciers on the Move

(held February 24, 2022)

The pace of change in the world of employee benefits is often described as “glacial”. As President of Fraser Group, Ken Fraser has tracked developments in the employee benefits industry for more than 30 years. In this session, he will share his observations on the resilience of employee benefits in the face of recessions and pandemics and on the vulnerabilities that may undermine the value of benefit plans in the future.

The session will identify the forces that now drive change. These forces include demographics, labour market developments, technology and shifts in social values. Ken will discuss how these forces affect benefit plan design, claims administration and employee communications as well as their impact on the insurance industry and advisor community.

This session is hosted by CPBI Saskatchewan

Member Rate           $20 

Non Member Rate     $55

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Overview of Funding Changes Arising from Manitoba Bill 8 ‒ The Pension Benefits Amendment Act

(held February 23, 2022)

The Government of Manitoba passed the remaining elements of Bill 8 ‒ The Pension Benefits Amendment Act with an in force date of December 20, 2021. The remaining elements primarily relate to the funding of defined benefit pension plans and include:

  • The introduction of Solvency Reserve Accounts
  • Reform of defined benefit funding rules
  • Changes to use of surplus

Jared will provide an overview of the funding changes, how they apply to different types of plans, and commentary.

This session is hosted by CPBI Manitoba

Member Rate           $25 

Non Member Rate     $65

Student                     $25

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Changing the Narrative: New ways to think about Alberta's economy in 2022

(held February 17, 2022)

As we enter a new year, a lot has changed -- yet a lot remains the same. COVID is still with us, climate change is even more pressing and global trade remains unsettled. Alberta's economy is transforming, but we need new ways to think about our economy in order to thrive in a permanently uncertain world. What lies ahead? And how will a new narrative help us adjust?

This session is hosted by CPBI Northern & Southern Alberta

Member Rate           $25 

Non Member Rate     $40

Student                   $25

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Disability Management 101 and Peer Discussion

(held February 10, 2022)

Disability Management (DM) are programs directed to assist employees that are unable to work due to injury or illness, to return to work.

DM requires a coordinated effort done by a series of stakeholders to be able to be a successful program. Each of those stakeholders must know their role and how to manage their services in a timely manner to increase the benefits and the cost benefit of the program.

Success is measured in a few different ways depending on the stakeholder, but the main objective to all of them is the return to work of the employee object of those services.
We have an effective program when we align each stakeholder's objectives to help the employee, the employer, the other organizations, and the society at large. Knowing our part in this team and how to offer our best work at the best time, it is crucial.

This session is hosted by CPBI Pacific

Member Rate           $25 

Non Member Rate     $75

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2022 Economic Outlook- Canada and the World

(held January 19, 2022)

For the first time, the CPBI Regions across Canada have come together to bring you the 2022 Economic Outlook for Canada and the world.

This event features Andrew Coyne, political columnist for the Postmedia chain of newspapers and panelist on the CBC TV’s The National “At Issue” panel; and Jimmy Jean, Chief Economist and Strategist for the Desjardins Group, the discussion will be moderated by Daniel Conti, Principal at HarbourVest.

Member Rate           $35 

Non Member Rate     $55

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Recent Developments in Pensions and Benefits Law

(held January 13, 2022)

Stay aware of current and developing legal trends and risks with this overview of recent significant cases and legislative changes in Canadian pensions and benefits law.  This session will highlight noteworthy legal developments from the last year that will be of interest to pension and benefit plan sponsors and administrators, as well as to others who deal with pension and employee benefit issues. .

This session is hosted by CPBI Pacific

Member Rate           $25 

Non Member Rate     $75

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Prévisions économiques 2022

(held January 13, 2022)

Joignez- vous à notre panel d’investisseurs et répondants de régimes de retraite pour y gagner en perspective.

Venez écouter les prévisions économiques de nos conférenciers pour l’année 2022.

This session is hosted by CPBI Quebec

Member Rate           $35 

Non Member Rate     $55

Student                   $15

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Atelier : Gouvernance des régimes de retraite

(held Nocember 26, 2021)

Tel que décrit par Retraite Québec « La gouvernance d'un régime de retraite est un ensemble de règles qui régissent les relations entre l'administrateur du régime, l'employeur, les participants et bénéficiaires ainsi que les fournisseurs de services. Ces règles traitent également des droits et responsabilités de chacun. Elles définissent les objectifs à poursuivre et les moyens à mettre en œuvre pour les atteindre.»

Cet atelier a principalement pour but :

  • d’expliquer sommairement le cadre juridique applicable aux régimes complémentaires de retraite, y compris les dispositions en matière de gouvernance;
  • de présenter les principaux devoirs et obligations du comité de retraite;
  • d’aborder la responsabilité des membres du comité de retraite et les moyens visant à protéger ces membres.

This session is hosted by CPBI Quebec

Member Rate           $125 

Non Member Rate     $210

Student                     $70

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Target Date Funds in Canada: how they work, why they’re evolving, and their impact on retirement outcomes

(held November 24, 2022)

Target Date Funds (TDFs) have become the dominant investment vehicle in the Capital Accumulation Plan industry: 84% of plans on the Sun Life Group Retirement Services recordkeeping platform use TDFs as their default investment option, and TDFs account for over 80% of monthly net inflows. As a result, the performance of TDFs will play a significant role in the retirement outcomes of millions of Canadians for decades to come.

In this session, Christine Tan, Portfolio Manager and James Wells, Director, Institutional Business Development and Client Relationships at Sun Life Global Investments,  will provide an overview of the investment process of a Canadian-based TDF manager, highlighting the decisions and trade-offs that are continually being made in the pursuit of a TDFs ultimate objective – providing Canadians with a sustainable income during their retirement.

This session is hosted by CPBI Pacific

Member Rate           $25 

Non Member Rate     $75

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Investing in Reconciliation: Strategies for Pension Funds to Support Indigenous Rights and the Growth of the Indigenous Economy

(held November 23, 2022)

As major stewards of financial capital in Canada, pension funds are well positioned to be catalysts for the advancement of reconciliation between Indigenous and non-Indigenous peoples. This one-hour live webinar is hosted by CPBI Manitoba in collaboration with the Reconciliation and Responsible Investment Initiative (RRII). Join us to learn about why reconciliation matters to investment governance, and how pension funds can tangibly contribute to Indigenous rights respect and the growth of the Indigenous economy. This session will draw from case studies on reconciliation-informed investment policies and practices, and applied research conducted by RRII.

This session is hosted by CPBI Manitoba

Member Rate           $25 

Non Member Rate     $65

Student                   $25

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Watch your language: Rethinking how we communicate with plan members - Hosted by Saskatchewan and Southern Alberta Regions

(held November 18, 2022)

Many members often find their DC plans confusing and wish for clearer language — with less industry jargon — to help them understand their options and make more informed decisions.

Plan sponsors and advisors can help close the gap of confusion and misunderstanding by carefully selecting words that truly resonate with members. Invesco’s 2021 Defined Contribution

Language Research tested different versions of messages to uncover what works and why. The study involved over 1800 participants in the US and Canada (both English and French). This session will offer insights and guidance into the words to use and lose when communicating with plan members.

This session is hosted by CPBI Saskatchewan & Southern Alberta

Member Rate           $25 

Non Member Rate     $55

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Decumulation options for defined contribution pension plans: Exploring traditional and emerging options to support plan members through retirement

(held November 16, 2022)

In this session, we will discuss the spectrum of options available to defined contribution (DC) pension plan sponsors to assist their plan members through retirement - a key period of the member life-cycle that is often overlooked.
We will explore current industry trends as well as emerging options. . Discussion topics will include:

  • DC plan members’ journey and how their needs have changed over time
  • Most common options currently available in the decumulation market
  • Trends and emerging decumulation options, including a deep dive into Variable Payment Life Annuity (VPLAs)

This session is hosted by CPBI Ontario

Member Rate           $25 

Non Member Rate     $62.50

Student                   $15

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Élaborer un régime d’avantages sociaux adapté aux besoins de votre entreprise au Québec

(held November 11-12, 2022)

Cette formation s’adresse aux personnes qui désirent se familiariser avec les principes de bases en assurance et rentes collectives. Les participants apprendront comment concevoir et mettre en place un régime d’avantages sociaux adapté aux besoins de leur entreprise selon sa culture, le budget, et l’impact voulu sur sa marque employeur. Finalement ils apprendront comment utiliser leur régime pour obtenir un meilleur rapport qualité prix.

This session is hosted by CPBI Quebec

Member Rate           $175 

Non Member Rate     $275

Student                     $90

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Benefits Canada Healthcare Survey 2021

(held November 10, 2022)

Frontline views to help understand COVID-19’s impact on health benefits, wellness supports and the work environment.
The CPBI Northern Alberta Council is pleased to welcome Shannon Darvill, Consultant Silverberg Group (a People Corporation Company) - and member of the Benefits Canada Healthcare Survey Advisory Board - to present the survey results.

This session is hosted by CPBI Northern Alberta

Member Rate           $20

Non Member Rate     $55

Student                   $20

Register online to receive the link to the recording

(held November 9, 2022)

Communication strategies you can use today to drive more impact from your employee benefits program

Surveys have shown more than half of employers believing employees don’t understand benefits communications materials (if they even open them!), don’t know what coverage they have, and don’t know how to use it. However, surveys also show benefits coverage influences more than 70% of Canadian employees when deciding whether to stay with their employer or take a new job offer.

Consider the time and resources you’ve dedicated to designing, implementing, and funding your benefit program. Creating an impactful benefits communication strategy can maximize value on your investment – keeping employees happy and healthy, and attracting and retaining top talent.

After all, employees can’t appreciate what they don’t understand!

This session is hosted by CPBI Pacific

Member Rate           $25

Non Member Rate     $75

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Benefits, Beyond the Basics

(held November 2-4, 2022)

Join us for a full program addressing in-depth aspects of group benefits plans, current trends and emerging issues. This virtual seminar will provide a comprehensive framework that will enhance your understanding of benefits, act as a primer for the CEBS program, and offer valuable continuing education credits for the Insurance Council of Saskatchewan. Ten minutes will be allotted at the end of each session to ask questions and virtually network with fellow participants and event speakers. Attendees will also receive a certificate of completion.

This session is hosted by CPBI Saskatchewan

Member Rate           $120 

Non Member Rate     $330

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Servir les consommateurs et renforcer la confiance du public dans le secteur des assurances : une introduction à l'Ombudsman des assurances de personnes

(held November 1, 2022)

Il y a 29 millions de Canadiens qui bénéficient de garanties d’asssurance-vie et santé au Canada. La grande majorité de leurs réclamations sont acceuillies favorablement et payées par les compagnies d'assurance vie et santé du Canada chaque année. L'Ombudsman des assurances de personnes (OAP) existe pour ceux qui ont des questions, des préoccupations ou qui souhaitent simplement un deuxième avis concernant une décision finale concernant une réclamation. C'est pourquoi l’OAP a été créé en 2002, sous la supervision des organismes de réglementation des assurances à travers le Canada, pour renforcer la confiance dans le secteur en offrant aux consommateurs un service de règlement des différends gratuit, indépendant, impartial et rapide. Un conseil composé en majorité d'administrateurs indépendants régit l’OAP.

Cette introduction à l’OAP aidera les gestionnaires d'avantages sociaux et les professionnels des RH à orienter les participants de leur régime dans les cas où les décisions relatives à des réclamations sont remises en question.

This session is hosted by CPBI Quebec

Member Rate           $0 

Non Member Rate     $35

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Pension & Investment Fundamentals

(held October 28-29, 2022)

If you are a pension plan sponsor or trustee, pension committee member, plan administrator, actuary, consultant, or a human resource professional, these sessions will be of interest to you. Whether you have been working in the pension field for some time, or if you are new to the pension industry, this is your opportunity to learn more about the fundamentals of registered pension plans.

Topics and Presenters Include:

  • Pension Basics - Tim Cottee, Canada Life
  • Actuarial Basics - Kyle Meilleur, Ellement Consulting Group
  • Investment Basics and Asset Mix - Chris Chernecki, BCV Financial
  • Pension Regulations - Brad Prokop, Teachers’ Retirement Allowance Fund (TRAF) and Rinesh Unhee, Office of the Superintendent – Pension Commission
  • Legal Update - J.J. Burnell, MLT Aikins LLP
  • Investment Trends, Defined Contribution Investment Strategies and Best Practices - Tyler Smith, Fiera Capital

This session is hosted by CPBI Manitoba

Member Rate           $250

Non Member Rate     $350

Student                   $250

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2021 CPBI Alberta Summit “Moving Forward Together”

(held October 20, 2021)

The past year has been traumatic for individuals on many levels, with numerous mental health and societal issues highlighted by the pandemic and other Canadian and world events. Join us as we look towards the future and explore how individuals and organizations can move forward together by focusing on the people.

Keynote presentations by Lionel Laroche, a leading expert on diversity in the workplace, and Stéphane Grenier, a leading advocate for changing how we approach workplace mental health, plus employee and employer panels, are sure to spark healthy discussion and generate new approaches and ideas.

This session is hosted by CPBI Northern & Southern Alberta

Member Rate           $100

Non Member Rate     $175

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Régimes de retraite niveau 1 - Modules 1 à 8

(held October 14-22, 2022)

Cette formation s’adresse aux personnes qui souhaitent acquérir des notions générales sur l’ensemble des aspects entourant la gestion et l’administration des régimes de retraite.

* Donne 12 UFC en ACP à la Chambre de la Sécurité financière et

12,25 heures de formation reconnues par le Barreau du Québec

** Un nombre minimum d'inscriptions est requis pour que le cours soit offert

This session is hosted by CPBI Quebec

Member Rate           $260 

Non Member Rate     $400

Student                   $130

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Adjusting to a Hybrid Workforce: How to build employee trust and promote health and wellbeing

(held September 16, 2021)

One thing that has become abundantly clear to employers over the past year and a half is the strain employees are feeling on their mental health. Stress and anxiety levels are at an all-time high and routines have become increasingly more sedentary. Implications of this trend have resulted in organizational health programs seeing a renewed focus. Join Edna Wollf, Director Strategic HR Consulting at People First as she reviews building high trust in your teams virtually to ensure that remote, or hybrid work arrangements do not negatively affect your organizations’ culture, engagement, and productivity. Followed by Brendan Hickey, Director of Health Solutions at People Corporation providing direction on how employers can work towards a health and wellness strategy to meet the needs of a hybrid workforce.

This session is hosted by CPBI Southern Alberta

Member Rate           $25

Non Member Rate     $40

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Maintaining Immunizations During the time of COVID - Why and How?

(held September 15, 2021)

The objectives of this session are to:

  • Understand the importance of vaccines in improving workplace productivity
  • Review the latest clinical data and recommendations for HPV and Pneumococcal Immunization

    Dr. Angel Chu will discuss the prevention of diseases provided by vaccines; the important role that plan sponsors can play in employee education and understanding of immunization; and the physical, psychosocial impacts and the importance of vaccines to improve workplace productivity.

This session is hosted by CPBI Northern Alberta

Member Rate           $20

Non Member Rate     $55

Student                   $20

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New updates, same pandemic: Pension regulatory and employment updates for 2021

(held September 14, 2021)

The Canadian pension, benefits and employment legal regulatory framework has continued to evolve throughout the COVID-19 pandemic.  It is important for employers, plan sponsors and plan administrators to be aware of both COVID-19 specific changes and other regulatory updates.  This session will accordingly provide an overview of key recent legislative, regulatory and caselaw updates across the country for pension and employee benefits.  This session will also provide a discussion of legal considerations and best practices for employers regarding the duty to enforce safety protocols in the workplace.

This session is hosted by CPBI Ontario

Member Rate           $25

Non Member Rate        $35.50

Student                   $15

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Employee Benefits of Tomorrow

(held September 14, 2021)

The world, the workplace, and employer-employee relationships have changed significantly over the last 18 months. All of these changes will impact the future of benefits on various levels:

  • What are employees looking for
  • What will employers need to offer to move forward with their ideal workforce
  • What is realistically sustainable
  • How benefits are deliveredWhat is the role of the advisor/broker/consultant in the future? Is there any? Will employers go “direct”?
  • How and who will provide benefit plans in the future – insurers; TPAs; other providers?
  • How will the competitive landscape change for benefits plans?
  • Will insurers compete with consulting/brokerage firms to provide products and services?

This session is hosted by CPBI Pacific

Member Rate           $25

Non Member Rate     $75

Student                   $15

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Standing UPP - University Pension Plan Ontario's Journey to Day One and Beyond

(held July 13, 2021)

It’s not every day that a new jointly sponsored pension plan is established! With the launch of the University Pension Plan Ontario (UPP) on July 1, 2021, two of UPP’s managing directors will share the Plan’s journey to Day One and describe their experience in setting up the UPP.

This session is hosted by CPBI Ontario

Member Rate           $25

Non Member Rate         $62.50

Student                   $15

Register online to receive the link to the recording

Change Management – Strategies for Success

(held June 23, 2021)

We live in a world that is in a constant flux of change, which causes disruption to people and organizations. Understanding change management allows sponsors to be better prepared in supporting employees, establishing the necessary steps for change and monitor pre/post change activities to ensure successful implementation.

During this session you will hear from two experts that will cover the science and theory for change management and how it can be applied in practice within your organizations.

Leah Eggen, Senior Organization Change Management Consultant, will share the critical components required for change to be successful.  She will outline strategies to assess the impacts of change, engage stakeholders of the change, and manage resistance to gain buy-in.

Leah will be joined by Mike Mousseau, National Well Being & Engagement Consultant, who will discuss how to understand the neuroscience of change and what specifically is happening in our brains during this time, so you can manage change resistance and develop strategies to maximize our brain’s capacity for neuroplasticity.

This session is hosted by CPBI Southern Alberta

Member Rate           $25

Non Member Rate    $40

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Assurance collective - 2 jours : choisir son assureur ou son mode de gestion

(held June 8-9, 2021 in french)

Cette formation s’adresse aux personnes qui désirent se familiariser avec les principes de bases en assurance et rentes collective et qui doivent prendre des décisions par rapport aux fournisseurs de services retenus.

On y explorera les types d'ententes de services qui peuvent exister, le mécanisme d'appel d'offres et comment choisir son assureur et interpréter les tarifications proposées. On discutera aussi de la gestion générale du dossier d'assurance collective.

* Une attestation vous sera remise à la fin de ce cours.

This session is hosted by CPBI Quebec

Member Rate           $175

Non Member Rate     $280

Student                  $90

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Formation - Placement de base - 2 jours

(held June 2-3, 2021 in french)

Cette formation s’adresse aux personnes qui désirent se familiariser avec les principes de bases en placement. Nous ferons un survol des concepts suivant: les classes d'actif, le rendement/risque, la gestion d'un portefeuille de placement et le choix des gestionnaires.
* Une attestation vous sera remise à la fin de ce cours.

This session is hosted by CPBI Quebec

Member Rate           $175

Non Member Rate     $280

Student                  $90

Register online to receive the link to the recording

Online Webinar Fraud & Abuse – Detection & Prevention

(held May 26, 2021)

A learning session to gain an understanding of how fraud happens, who commits fraud, how to report it and how to prevent fraud.

Learning objectives:
• How fraud happens
• Who commits fraud?
• Collusion fraud – what’s trending
• Results of an effective anti-fraud strategy
• Fraud Risk Management – what you can do?
Who should attend?
Plan sponsors, advisors, HR, service representatives, account executives, plan members, etc.

This session is hosted by CPBI Ontario

Member Rate           $25

Non Member Rate     $62.50

Student                   $15

Register online to receive the link to the recording

Exchange Traded Funds

(held May 12, 2021)

Exchange Traded Funds have been used across all investment segments. The mechanism is highly efficient, providing low cost and liquid exposure for Pensions & Endowments to integrate into their portfolio construction.

Mark Webster from BMO will discuss how ETFs can be used in three key areas:

• Factor Investing – the bridge between Active & Index investing;
• Fixed Income – using Exchange liquidity to lower execution costs in a constrained asset class;
• ESG – the benefits of using an Index methodology to integrate ESG into the investment process.

BMO Exchange Traded Funds is the 2nd largest ETF provider in Canada and has led the industry in asset growth for 10 successive years. Mark will discuss how the industry has grown and how the innovative mechanism can enhance asset allocation.

This session is hosted by CPBI Northern Alberta

Member Rate           $20

Non Member Rate     $55

Student                   $20

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Option 2 Ateliers : Élaboration d’une politique de placement et comment structurer son portefeuille en actions

(held May 5-6, 2021 in french)

La première partie de cet atelier consistera à couvrir, de manière pratique, les différentes étapes qui sont entreprises lors de l’élaboration d’une politique de placement dont l’élément le plus important est l’allocation cible. En effet, de 85% à 90% du risque d’investissement proviendra de l’allocation cible qui aura été choisie.

Ainsi, dans un premier temps, cet atelier permettra aux participants de vivre une situation réelle d’établissement de l’allocation cible. La première étape consistera à passer en revue comment les hypothèses économiques devraient être établies. Par la suite, un rapport contenant des analyses sur différentes allocations cible sera revu en détail. Suite à des discussions sur le rapport, des éléments seront ajoutés aux analyses initiales afin d’aider à déterminer l’allocation cible qui devrait être choisie. À cet égard, une attention particulière sera portée au risque que représentent les différentes allocations. Enfin, cette partie de l’atelier portera sur la mise en place des différents autres éléments faisant partie de la politique de placement.

This session is hosted by CPBI Quebec

Member Rate               $175

Non Member Rate         $280

Student                      $90

Register online to receive the link to the recording

Why Rare Disease Drugs Matter to Private Payers

(held May 4, 2021)

There are already close to 100 drugs for rare diseases (DRDs) that consume almost 10% of all prescription drug spending. By definition these drugs cost at least $100,000 annually. Industry pooling is poorly structured to address the rapid growth in these important therapies which save or extend lives. A national strategy is being developed, but it is not clear what role and responsibility private drug plans should take, and who speaks for this very diverse group. This session will explore the impact of DRDs on private plans, risk mitigation, and how private payers might influence a national DRD policy.

This session is hosted by CPBI Ontario

Member Rate           $25

Non Member Rate         $62.50

Student                   $15

Register online to receive the link to the recording

Inoculating against misinformation – A case study on a successful work place Vaccination program

(held April 28, 2021)

A case study of workplace immunization program success: The Shingrix program at RSD38

Since 2018 the Richmond School District (RSD38) has partnered with Immunize.io to provide comprehensive workplace immunization services for staff. The program has resulted in an increased uptake in immunizations and significantly higher vaccination completions than the national average. This presentation is a recount of the RSD38 case study of workplace immunization program success. Employers can benefit from the insights and lessons learned from a successful workplace immunization program case example. In particular those employers who are considering this type of health service offering for their staff.

This session is hosted by CPBI Pacific

Member Rate               $25

Non Member Rate         $75

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Legal Update

(held April 27, 2021)

Join Sean Maxwell,  from Blake, Cassels & Graydon LLP as he gives an update on:

  • Legislative and regulatory developments over the past year of interest to administrators of pension plans with Alberta members,
  • Recent case law developments involving pension and benefit arrangements and potential discrimination complaints that may arise in the context of such plans, and
  • Considerations for employers in developing COVID-19 related testing and vaccination requirements in the workplace. 

This session is hosted by CPBI Southern Alberta

Member Rate               $25

Non Member Rate         $40

Register online to receive the link to the recording

Building Wealth with Dividend Growth Stocks

(held April 15, 2021)

In a low interest rate environment, investors more than ever are searching for ways to build and an investment portfolio that meets their income needs and provides growth to combat inflation with the least amount of risk. “Building Wealth with Dividend Growth Stocks” will take you through the concepts of dividend growth investing so you are better equipped to judge for yourself if your investment portfolio is meeting your needs for the future.

In this session we will review

  1. What characteristics to look for in a dividend growth company
  2. Why dividends are important.
  3. Why not overpaying for a company is important.
  4. Why a dividend growth focused portfolio provides more stable income with lower volatility over the long term.

This session is hosted by CPBI Manitoba

Member Rate               $25

Non Member Rate         $65

Student                       $25

Register online to receive the link to the recording

Régimes de retraite niveau 1 - Modules 1 à 8

(held April 15-23, 2021 in french)

Cette formation s’adresse aux personnes qui souhaitent acquérir des notions générales sur l’ensemble des aspects entourant la gestion et l’administration des régimes de retraite.

* Donne  12 UFC en ACP à la Chambre de la Sécurité financière et 12,25 heures de formation reconnues par le Barreau du Québec    

** Un nombre minimum d'inscriptions est requis pour que le cours soit offert  

This session is hosted by CPBI Quebec

Member Rate               $260

Non Member Rate         $400

Student                       $130

Register online to receive the link to the recording

Shining A Light on Mental Health

(held April 7, 2021)

The mental health of Canadians has been significantly lower than prior to the COVID-19 pandemic! The level of mental health continues to be a concern as it indicates that the working population is currently as distressed as the most distressed one per cent of working Canadians, prior to 2020! Join us for this session as Paula Allen talks to the impact lockdowns have had on employer programs and how those programs have been able to support clients during this pandemic.

This session is hosted by CPBI Northern Alberta

Member Rate               $20

Non Member Rate         $55

Student                       $20

Register online to receive the link to the recording

The Drug Triad That Could Overwhelm Plans

(held March 30, 2021)

Reformulary Group CEO and former Ontario ‘drug czar’ Helen Stevenson joins CPBI to talk about new and existing therapies that could overwhelm employer benefit plans – gene therapies, cancer drugs and diabetes treatment. Would it surprise you to know that a gene therapy costing more than $2.8 million per patient has recently been approved in Canada, or that some private plans are paying claims for cancer drugs that are typically covered by cancer agencies? As more and more expensive drugs roar up the regulatory pipeline, understanding their cost and how plans can be informed and manage their impact has never been more important.

This session is hosted by CPBI Pacific

Member Rate               $25

Non Member Rate         $75

Register online to receive the link to the recording

Investment Outlook - Beyond the Pandemic

(held March 18, 2021)

During this session Ian Riach, from Franklin Templeton Investments, will help us visualize beyond the pandemic by examining first principles that will be important a year + from now. These include:

  • Issues and opportunities including home county bias,
  • Diversifying in a low rate environment,
  • Renewable energy and
  • How cyclical markets could all contribute to our New Normal.
    Mason Gregory, from MFS, will explore the forces shaping Environmental Social Governance (ESG) & sustainable investing, and what this changing dynamic means for major financial markets and leading economic sectors.

This session is hosted by CPBI Southern Alberta

Member Rate               $20

Non Member Rate         $55

Register online to receive the link to the recording

An Explanation of The Pension Benefits Act, 1992 and The Pension Benefits Regulations, 1993

(held March 17, 2021)

The Pensions Division of the Financial and Consumer Affairs Authority (FCAA) ensures pension plans comply with the Act and the Regulations. In this session, Holly Ballan will provide an overview of the Pensions Division of the FCAA, the Act, and the Regulations. Topics will include the regulatory environment, different plan types, minimum standards, multi-jurisdictional plans, unlocking and termination, and retirement options.  

Holly Ballan has worked with the Financial and Consumer Affairs Authority for the past 5 years. She has been the Director of Pensions since July 2020. Holly has extensive experience in the pension sector, previously working for the Public Employees’ Pension Plan, the Saskatchewan Healthcare Employees’ Pension Plan, and the University of Regina.

This session is hosted by CPBI Saskatchewan

Member Rate               $20

Non Member Rate         $55

Student                       $20

Register online to receive the link to the recording

Serving Consumers & Building Sector Confidence: An Introduction to the Ombudservice for Life and Health Insurance (OLHI)

(held March 16, 2021)

There are 29 million Canadians with health and life insurance in Canada. The overwhelming majority of their claims are successfully approved and paid out by Canada’s Life and Health insurance companies every year. The Ombudservice for Life and Health Insurance (OLHI) exists for those who have questions, concerns or just want a second opinion regarding a final decision about a claim. This is why OLHI was established in 2002, under the supervision of the insurance regulators across Canada and funded by insurance companies - to build confidence in the sector by providing consumers a free-of-charge, independent, impartial and timely dispute resolution service. OLHI is governed by a Board, the majority of whom are independent directors.

This introduction to OLHI will help Benefits Managers and HR Professionals direct their plan members in cases where claim decisions are questioned.

This session is hosted by CPBI Manitoba

Member Rate               $20

Non Member Rate         $65

Student                       $25

Register online to receive the link to the recording

Do you know what is in your Environmental, Social, and Corporate Governance?

(held March 11, 2021)

Investors have steadily increased their commitment to ESG-focused strategies in recent years, but that rapid growth has not been matched by clear communication about the different approaches that various managers apply within the space. In short, many end ESG investors don’t really understand what it is that they own. In this presentation, we provide an explanation of three key approaches to ESG investing, and arm you with questions to ensure you match your own goals with that of your manager.

This session is hosted by CPBI Pacific

Member Rate               $25

Non Member Rate         $75

Student                       $25

Register online to receive the link to the recording

Deux approches novatrices en santé mentale et retour au travail

(held March 10, 2021 in french)

Deux approches novatrices en santé mentale et retour au travail : Une intervention de groupe et une plateforme web multi-acteurs.

Les 3 objectifs de cette présentation sont :

Introduire les déterminants du retour au travail à la suite d’une dépression ou un autre trouble mental courant
Présenter une intervention de groupe basée sur la thérapie cognitive-comportementale, offerte à des personnes en retour au travail à la suite d’un trouble dépressif – les composantes et résultats
Présenter la plateforme web multi-acteurs intitulée PRATICAdr pour assurer un retour au travail durable et en santé – les composantes essentielles

This session is hosted by CPBI Quebec

Member Rate               $35

Non Member Rate         $60

Register online to receive the link to the recording

Impacts to Employer Benefits Plans Due to Covid-19

(held February 24, 2021)

The pandemic is, and has, impacted our workplace, livelihoods, families, schools and socialization.

How does all of this translate into employer benefits plans experience and trends?

Join us for an informative panel discussion with Benefits Plan Providers who will discuss the impacts and trends to Disability, Health, Drugs and EFAP Plans.

This session is hosted by CPBI Southern Alberta

Member Rate               $20

Non Member Rate         $55

Register online to receive the link to the recording

Emerging Stronger - What Covid-19 is Teaching us About Work

(held February 18, 2021)

Covid 19 has required quick reactions, and as the situation continues to evolve and exist we are more skilled at adapting and carefully responding.

In this session we will review key areas where Covid-19 has reshaped the future and provide insights into what organizations and benefit providers should be thinking about to accelerate forward through the remainder of the pandemic and be ready to adapt more effectively in the future.

This session is hosted by CPBI Manitoba

Member Rate               $25 +GST

Non Member Rate         $65 +GST

Student                       $25 +GST

Register online to receive the link to the recording

Retire Happy: How to Make Retirement the Best Years of Your Life

(held February 11, 2021)

Jim Yih has spent his 30 years in the financial industry focusing on the area of retirement planning. Most retirement planning comes from the financial industry and as a result, most retirement planning is focused on money and financial aspects of retirement. In this session, you will learn that a successful retirement is about much more than just money. Despite conventional beliefs, Jim will share with you his insights on the most important issues when it comes to having a successful retirement. He believes that the most successful retirees are not the ones with the most money. So what’s the secret to success then?

This session is hosted by CPBI Saskatchewan

Member Rate               $20 +GST

Non Member Rate         $55 +GST

Register online to receive the link to the recording
CPBI Ontario Online Seminar Pension Investment Outlook 2021

(held February 2, 2021)

In this panel discussion, we will hear insights from senior industry leaders in the pension industry as they share their perspectives as we close our 2020 and look forward to 2021 and the dawn of a new day. In this session, we will hear insights from the pension perspective where future opportunities, areas of risk, and some of the key attendee outcomes will include:

  • Investment perspectives on various asset classes and outlooks across the asset allocation spectrum.
  • Thoughtful insights from senior pension industry professionals.
  • Economic Outlook and market expectations for 2021.
  • Q&A segment to hear perspectives from panelists.

This session is hosted by CPBI Ontario

Member Rate                     $35

Non Member Rate                   $77.50

Register online to receive the link to the recording

2021 CPBI Atlantic Economic Forecast

(held January 28, 2021)

As Chief Investment Officer for Sun Life Global Investments, Sadiq will share his perspectives on the global and Canadian economies and summarize the key themes heading into 2021, such as the ongoing economic impact of the COVID-19 pandemic, the effect of the U.S. election on financial markets, and other issues related to the Atlantic Canadian economic environment.

This session is hosted by CPBI Atlantic

Member Rate                     $25

Non Member Rate          $62.50

Student Rate                     $25

Register online to receive the link to the recording

2021 Economic Update: Alberta, Canada & the World

(held January 20, 2021)

2020 has seen major disruptions in employment, trade, markets and politics globally, with devastating effects here in Alberta . What does 2021 and beyond have in store? Chief Investment Officer for Sun Life Global Investments, Sadiq will share his perspectives on Alberta, Canada and Global economies summarizing the key themes heading into 2021, such as the ongoing economic impact of the COVID-19 pandemic, the effect of the U.S. election on financial markets, and expectations for the energy sector both nationally and in Alberta.   

This session is hosted by CPBI Southern Alberta

Member Rate                     $20

Non Member Rate               $55

Register online to receive the link to the recording

2021 CPBI Saskatchewan/Manitoba Economic Forecast

(held January 13, 2021)

Eric Theoret will offer an assessment of the macro landscape, touching upon the outlook for economic activity, central bank policy, and markets as we enter 2021. The presentation will offer a framework for understanding the economy within the context of the pandemic and will highlight the tailwinds (and headwinds) for key sectors and geographies as markets incorporate the economic policies of the next U.S. administration.  

This session is hosted by CPBI Saskatchewan

Member Rate                      $25

Non Member Rate               $65

Student Rate                      $25

Register online to receive the link to the recording

2021 CPBI Manitoba/Saskatchewan Economic Forecast

(held January 13, 2021)

Eric Theoret will offer an assessment of the macro landscape, touching upon the outlook for economic activity, central bank policy, and markets as we enter 2021. The presentation will offer a framework for understanding the economy within the context of the pandemic and will highlight the tailwinds (and headwinds) for key sectors and geographies as markets incorporate the economic policies of the next U.S. administration.  

This session is hosted by CPBI Manitoba

Member Rate                      $25

Non Member Rate               $65

Student Rate                      $25

Register online to receive the link to the recording

2020 Economic Update - December 2020

(held December 9, 2020)

With the shock of the pandemic behind us, the world has settled into a new reality: living with COVID. The crisis is certainly not over, and most parts of the world are seeing cases rising once again. The global, Canadian, and Alberta economies are struggling under massive uncertainty. What possible scenarios could play out? And what if adjusting to a new reality -- rather than returning to life as normal -- turns out to be easier than we think?    

This session is hosted by CPBI Northern Alberta

Member Rate                     $25

Non Member Rate          $62.50

Student Rate                     $25

Register online to receive the link to the recording

The Future of Workplace Plans: More Than Just Saving for Retirement    

(held December 2, 2020)

We know there is a need for greater financial help for Canadians. Expanding workplace programs to offer solutions around student debt, cashflow management, credit counselling, and saving for your children’s education will help an employer add value to their existing pension and benefits program, and differentiate themselves in a highly competitive talent market.

Join a discussion in what the future of workplace savings and wealth programs can look like, by addressing very real problems with very non-traditional workplace solutions.

This session is hosted by CPBI Manitoba

Member Rate                 $25

Non Member Rate          $65

Register online to receive the link to the recording

Financial Wellness for the Ages: Many Generations, One Common Thread   

(held November 25, 2020)

It’s a fact that when it comes to personal finances, our age dictates much about what we want to know. For example, someone new to the job is probably less interested in retirement planning than someone who already has their last day of work marked in the calendar. However, emerging trends have started to show us that the new hire and the seasoned veteran have a lot more in common than you would think: both can benefit from trends in communication – like the prominence of mobile devices, authenticity in communications, and the growing study of behavioural economics – to enhance their knowledge and ability to make sound financial decisions.

This session is hosted by CPBI Saskatchewan 

Member Rate                 $15

Non Member Rate          $50

Register online to receive the link to the recording

Alberta Regional Trends Impact of change in our new working world    

(held November 24, 2020)

Join members of the Gallagher Benefit Services Team as they discuss Regional trends, their impact, and ideas on how to keep teams engaged through our new world of work. The session will focus on how to leverage trend data to create a strategic plan that drives value, utilizes key HR technologies & communication tools, and creates a lasting impact on organizational & employee wellbeing.

This session is hosted by CPBI Southern Alberta

Member Rate                 $15

Non Member Rate          $50

Register online to receive the link to the recording


Fall Trends and Insight Online Seminar      

(held November 17, 2020)

As we enter into the final months of 2020, we have seen continuous changes that have had major impacts on our industries. These changes will continue to have a major impact on supporting your clients as we enter into 2021. Please join us on November 17-19 for our multi day fall seminar where attendees have the opportunity to take part in several engaging and insightful online sessions from thought leaders across the country.

This session is hosted by CPBI Ontario 

Member Rate                 $100

Non Member Rate          $175

Register online to receive the link to the recording

Manitoba Benefits Fundamentals - VIRTUAL 

(held October 27, 2020)

If you are an employer or benefit plan sponsor, plan administrator, consultant, group insurance provider, or human resource professional, these sessions will be of interest to you. Whether you have been working in the benefits field for some time, or if you are new to the industry, this is your opportunity to learn more about the fundamentals of employee benefits.

This session is hosted by CPBI Manitoba

Member Rate                 $100

Non Member Rate          $175

Student Rate                  $100

Register online to receive the link to the recording


Workplace Mental Health: Moving beyond the checklist

(held October 22, 2020)

While workplace mental health is a more common topic in most boardrooms than a few years ago, many employers are still finding it difficult to manage the landscape and prioritize what really matters for their business. The session will review recent findings on the prevalence of mental health issues and the impact on the workplace from an organizational perspective as well as an individual perspective. Using case studies, Sylvana will provide an overview of the options and resources available to employers to help develop a sustainable mental health strategy. Carmen will wrap up the session with tips and examples of evidence based interventions to help you and your employees with difficult conversations that may arise on a day to day basis.

This session is hosted by CPBI Southern Alberta

Member Rate                 $25

Non Member Rate      $62.50

Student Rate                   25

Register online to receive the link to the recording

Employers and Millennials – Charting a New Path Forward!

(held October 20, 2020)

Today’s workforce is evolving at a speed that employers can’t keep up. With so many different generations in the workforce, it’s hard to please everyone. Millennials make up a huge chunk of today’s workforce and their needs are completely different than those of the babyboomers, or even generation X.

Our panel discussion will look at what Millennials face in their everyday work life as well as the issues that employers face in trying to meet their needs, while working together to come to an understanding and continue to meet company targets with corresponding tight budgets.

This session is hosted by CPBI Northern Alberta

Member Rate                 $15

Non Member Rate          $50

Register online to receive the link to the recording


The Outlook for Financial Markets: Pandemics and Elections 

(held October 15, 2020)

Strategic Themes and Tactical Opportunities: Investing in a Volatile World. Join our chief investment strategist as they explore six key themes:

  • Retooling Global Growth
  • Massive Monetary Toolkit
  • Stuckflation Tested
  • One World, Two Systems
  • Reimagining Capitalism
  • Stay Focused on Climate Risk

This session is hosted by CPBI Ontario

Member Rate                 $20

Non Member Rate          $55

Student Member            $20

Register online to receive the link to the recording

Disability - Duty to Accommodate

(held October 14, 2020)

This presentation will provide an overall summary of how employers should be addressing disabilities in the workplace and properly managing their duty to accommodate. As part of this summary, the presentation will set out what the duty to accommodate actually is and how it is triggered, the lengths to which an employer's duty reaches (discussing the concept of undue hardship) and specifically looking at the challenge of accommodating mental health disabilities. The presentation will also touch on tips for properly requesting medical information pertaining to an employee's disability and best practices for managing accommodation requests.

This session is hosted by CPBI Manitoba

Member Rate                 $25

Non Member Rate          $65

Student Member             $25


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Are Pension Commuted Value Changes Affecting You? 

(held September 30, 2020)

On January 24, 2020, the Canadian Institute of Actuaries published revisions to its Standards of Practice which introduce changes to the calculation of commuted values. These changes will take effect by December 1, 2020.

Jared will provide an overview of:

• pension commuted values

• how commuted values are currently determined

• how commuted values would be determined under the new standard

In addition, Jared will provide commentary on considerations regarding implementation of the new standard.

This session is hosted by CPBI Manitoba

Member Rate                 $25

Non Member Rate          $65

Student                         $25


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Drug plan management 2020

(held September 24, 2020)

A look at prescription drug plan spending and trends in 2019 including the impact of COVID-19 on drug plans from March-August 2020. We will also take a deep dive into Expensive Drugs for Rare Diseases (EDRDs) and discuss the upcoming changes in how drugs are priced in Canada by the Patented Medicine Prices Review Board (PMPRB)

This presentation will contain three parts, first a look at drug spending and utilization in Canada Life drug plans in 2019, this will be followed by a deep dive into Expensive Drugs for Rare Diseases (EDRDs) in Canada and lastly will look at the impact of COVID-19 on drug benefit spending.

This session is hosted by CPBI Ontario

Member Rate                 $20

Non Member Rate          $55

Student Member            $20

Register online to receive the link to the recording

2020 Sanofi Canada Health Care Survey: Future Forward: Frontline Perspectives on Health Benefit Plans

(held September 16, 2020)

The Sanofi Canada Healthcare Survey is Canada’s premier and longest-running survey of private employer-sponsored benefit programs. The 2020 survey – Future Forward: Frontline Perspectives on Health Benefit Plans – analyzes the changing opinions of plan members and plan sponsors as they relate to workplace wellness, health concerns and the impact of chronic disease.

This session is hosted by CPBI Northern Alberta

Member Rate                     $25

Non Member Rate          $62.50

Student Member                $25

Register online to receive the link to the recording

Regulatory Updates Across Canada: COVID-19 and Beyond

(held September 15, 2020)

In this webinar, Kenneth MacDonald, Manager, SMB, Western Canada, Morneau Shepell will use his own personal journey with chronic pain to illustrate:

As the Canadian pension regulatory framework continues to evolve, legislation and regulatory guidance is simultaneously shifting.  While there have been many changes in these turbulent times in response to the COVID-19 pandemic, industry players must also be aware of other regulatory updates as well.  This session will accordingly provide an overview of key recent legislative, regulatory and caselaw updates across the country, including COVID-19-related updates, to assist plan administrators, plan sponsors and service providers navigate the changing regulation of pensions. 

This session is hosted by CPBI Ontario

Member Rate                 $20

Non Member Rate          $55

Student Member            $20

Register online to receive the link to the recording


Retirement Plan Communication: A Case Study

(held September 10, 2020)

Michel and Brenda will share the retirement plan communication strategies for two of their shared clients. One established a brand new plan for their employees and the other undertook a detailed marketing and carrier search. Using a case study approach they will share how the same communication materials and strategies were positioned with each client yet deployed differently. How did it turn out? Join us to hear of the successes, challenges and lessons learned from all perspectives – insurer, consultant, employer and employee. 

This session is hosted by CPBI Southern Alberta

Member Rate                 $15

Non Member Rate          $50

Register online to receive the link to the recording


Pensions, Benefits and Return to the Workplace: adapting to our "new landscape"

(held July 15, 2020)

Session One: Ready, Set, Return – Pandemic impacts on employee benefits and wellbeing
presented by: Leigh-Ann Ing - Principal, Total Health Management - Mercer Marsh Benefits™

Session Two: Embracing innovation in Canadian health benefits
presented by: C.J. Gordon - Senior Associate - Mercer Marsh Benefits™

Session Three: OSFI Actions to Address Issues Stemming from COVID-19
presented by: Tamara DeMos - Managing Director of the Private Pension Plans Division, Office of the Superintendent of Financial Institutions (OSFI)

This session is hosted by CPBI Ontario

Member Rate                 $20

Non Member Rate          $55

Student Rate                  $20

Register online to receive the link to the recording


Virtual Healthcare: Embracing Innovation & Bridging the Gaps

(held June 30, 2020)

Society has evolved to expect an on-demand digital experience. Workplaces have transformed to have satellite offices, remote locations and more people working from home. How will healthcare keep up with the changing dynamics and our multi-generational workforce? Join us for a moderated panel session with 3 virtual healthcare providers in Canada, to learn more. Discover how organizations are evolving to meet the health and wellness needs of a digital savvy work force. 

This session is hosted by CPBI Southern Alberta

Member Rate                 $15

Non Member Rate          $50

Register online to receive the link to the recording


Pension and Institutional Investing for the New Normal

(held June 25, 2020)

Soheil Mahmoodzadeh, Chief Econometrician for CWB Financial Group, will be providing Canada economic update. He will also discuss deflation/inflation and negative interest rates.

Michelle Richardson, Consultant for George & Bell Consulting, will discuss the impact of the current environment on institutional investors and address some of the asset allocation questions that investors are facing.

This session is hosted by CPBI Pacific

Member Rate                 $25

Non Member Rate          $70

Student Rate                 $25

Register online to receive the link to the recording


Learning from crisis, and the world’s best marketers to communicate total rewards

(held June 23, 2020)

Every year most companies invest hundreds of thousands, if not millions of dollars into their benefit and retirement programs. It’s an important signal for how much your organization cares for your employees’ lives outside of work: their health, their loved ones, their financial future, their feeling of wellbeing.

This session is hosted by CPBI Ontario

Member Rate                 $20

Non Member Rate          $55

Student Rate                  $20

Register online to receive the link to the recording

Legal and Pension Update

(held June 9, 2020)

This session will focus on recent legislative changes and case law developments in Western Canada and their impact on retirement and benefit plans. While some of the areas of discussion will overlap with developments specific to the COVID-19 environment, the presentation will cover pension regulation, changes to CRA policies, employment standards and benefits continuation, recent caselaw and broader legal developments impacting retirement and benefits plans. The session will focus on the implications of these changes for plan sponsors and administrators with plans located in Western Canada.

This session is hosted by CPBI Northern Alberta

Member Rate                     $25

Non Member Rate          $62.50

Student Rate                      $20

Register online to receive the link to the recording

Employee Financial Wellness - A Post-Pandemic Priority
(held June 2, 2020)
Financial health is now employees’ greatest wellness concern in light of the coronavirus pandemic. Offering a financial wellness proposition is no longer a luxury - it’s imperative.

Saijal will dispel the myths surrounding financial wellness and highlight the top mistakes employers make when thinking about, or offering such programs. She’ll present how to build financial wellness plans that are effective, empowering and deliver results to the corporate bottom line. 
This session is hosted by CPBI Ontario

Member Rate                 $20

Non Member Rate          $55

Student Rate                  $20

Register online to receive the link to the recording

Assurances et Pharmacie (in French) 

(held May 21, 2020 in french)

La place occupée par les médicaments dans le coût des assurances collectives ne cessant d’augmenter, cette présentation traitera de la différence de prix entre le régime privé et public ainsi que de la nouvelle entente maintenant en vigueur depuis 2020 entre l’AQPP, les assureurs et les tiers payeurs. La nouvelle entente offrant de nouvelles possibilités, la présentation traitera également des moyens existant pour limiter les problèmes reliés aux assurances médicaments que peuvent vivre les assurés lors d’un changement de plan ou pendant la durée de celui-ci. Finalement, qu’en est-il d’une pharmacie en ligne et de ses enjeux pendant cette nouvelle période de pandémie. 

This session is hosted by CPBI Quebec

Member Rate                 $25

Non Member Rate          $65

Register online to receive the link to the recording

Barry LaValley - What Every Plan Sponsor and Member Should Understand About Retirement

(held May 7, 2020)

Barry LaValley will help attendees understand the key issues that Plan Members face as they look at their retirement; he will also focus on critical ways that Sponsors can help ease that transition and take the stress out of the retirement decision.

This session is hosted by CPBI Pacific

Member Rate                 $25

Non Member Rate          $90

Student Rate                 $25

Register online to receive the link to the recording


Redefining The Narrative of Older Workers

(held April 15, 2020)

Life expectancy is increasing at a pace that may sustain beyond the actual age of retirement, and some people will not be ready to retire until an advanced aged. In addition, today even if recruiting all of the young people out of school, we will still have a shortage of workers. 

What does this mean for employers and extended benefits providers?  Older workers will stay longer at work. Knowledge retention and loyalty are a plus, but multiple complexities may be present as well. Some of these workers will require support that is likely going to come through the employer’s support directly or through an extended benefits provider, to be able to continue working. 

This session is hosted by CPBI Pacific

Member Rate                 $25

Non Member Rate          $90

Student Rate                 $25

Register online to receive the link to the recording

This session is hosted by CPBI Saskatchewan 
This session is hosted by CPBI Saskatchewan 

Member Rate           $125

Non Member Rate     $210

Student                     $70

One continuing education credit in partnership with the Insurance Council of Manitoba or the Saskatchewan Insurance Council will be offered. A certificate of attendance will be issued upon request. A short quiz must be completed at the conclusion of the session in order to qualify for a CE Certificate.

One continuing education credit in partnership with the Insurance Council of Manitoba or the Saskatchewan Insurance Council will be offered. A certificate of attendance will be issued upon request. A short quiz must be completed at the conclusion of the session in order to qualify for a CE Certificate.

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