

The initiative for the CPBI came from people already in the pension business who were acting as advisors and underwriters - the insurance companies, trust companies and consultants - people who felt the need for a forum to discuss their problems and keep their expertise up to date. Interesting changes were taking place in the design of pension plans, the size and scope of the benefits, the methods of funding and the type of underwriting.

Founding Fathers

The CPBI was proposed by a steering committee consisting of Larry Baldwin representing the trust companies, Bruce Power representing the insurance industry and Laurence Coward for the consultants. It was particularly gratifying that these three groups, which have not always seen eye-to-eye on all questions, cooperated with enthusiasm to set up the Canadian Pension & Benefits Institute (CPBI).


The first meeting of the Canadian Pension Conference (CPC) - as it was then called, the name being later changed to Canadian Pension & Benefits Institute - is held on June 6 in the King Edward Hotel, Toronto, attended by about 150 people
Harold Lawson of National Life Assurance Company elected first CPC President. The CPC adopts a constitution. The purpose of the CPC is defined as "to discuss questions relating to all forms of income security for old age and other allied programs and to advance and exchange ideas and information in this field". 
CPC Membership reaches 350. 


CPC first Annual Conference is held at the Bonaventure Hotel in Montreal on May 7-8, 1969 attended by a record crowd of 341. 


CPC membership increases to 707 members.

A Full-time staff is hired for the CPC National Office in Toronto.

The CPC Ontario and Quebec Regional Councils are established.


The Executive Committee resolves that the CPC should become a bilingual organization.


An application to incorporate the “Canadian Pension Conference - Institut canadien de la retraite” is approved by the Minister of Consumer and Corporate Affairs on December 18. Thus the CPC is granted a charter as a non-profit federal corporation by Letters Patent. The object of the corporation is defined in practically the same words as the original purpose in 1960. The detailed rules are contained in Bylaws.

The Atlantic Regional Council is established.
CPC Membership increases to 1,001 members.

The Alberta, Pacific, and Manitoba Regional Councils are established.


The Saskatchewan Regional Council is established.

Introduction of CPC Magazine “Ad Valorem”.


The Bulletin is launched in 1984 as a replacement of the magazine “Ad Valorem”.


CPC celebrates its 25th anniversary at the Annual Conference in Toronto. At the opening plenary session, Lawrence Coward one of the founding address the delegates about “ Yesterday Vision: 25 Years of CPC”.


CPC Charter is amended on July 10 and the object becomes “to promote increased understanding of income security and employee benefit matters in Canada through the dissemination of information and the provision of national and regional forums open to all interested individuals and organizations.


In September, the CPC National Office moves from Toronto to Montreal.


The CPC decides to seek closer relations with other professional and government organizations through the exchange of material and when possible, joint meetings. In line with this decision, the CPC approaches the Canadian Association of Pension Supervisory Authorities, as a result the joint CPC-CAPSA conference is held in Montreal on September 19th.


CPC Membership increases to 1650.

In May, the Annual Conference takes place in Ottawa and proves to be an unparalleled success. It is attended by more than 650 delegates.

The CPC commissions a study on “the impact of changing legislation on private pension plans”. The summary of the study is first presented during the Annual Conference and subsequently printed in book form and distributed to all CPC Members.

The Bulletin is converted into a quarterly publication called the Forum.


The first CPC Western Regional Conference takes place in Whistler, BC.


In September, by Supplementary Letters Patent, the Conference becomes “Canadian Pension and Benefits Conference - Institut Canadien de la Retraite et des Avantages sociaux” (CPBC-ICRA).

In September, by Supplementary Letters Patent, the Conference becomes “Canadian Pension and Benefits Conference - Institut Canadien de la Retraite et des Avantages sociaux” (CPBC-ICRA).

An ambitious venture is held embracing the Canadian Institute of Actuaries (CIA) as well as CAPSA and the CPBC – a two-day forum on the theme “increasing Retirement Income Coverage – Meeting the Challenge”.

Number of Members increases significantly and reaches 1929 in December.

The Annual Conference in Saint John, New Brunswick is attended by more than 500 people and generates a substantial surplus.
CPBC continues to grow with an increase in membership of 10.9%. 
New innovation takes place to hold Trade Shows in conjunction with annual conferences, the first being at the CPBC Annual Conference in Edmonton, Alberta.


At year-end the number of Members reaches 2272 compared to 2139 in 1992.

The National Speaker program is launched. Dr. David Foot from the University of Toronto visits all CPBC Regions and provides a lively demonstration based on demographic figures.

Three issues of the newsletter the Forum are produced "Summary of Court Cases aff ecting Pension and Benefits", "Index of Publications on Pensions and Benefits" and "Regulatory Summary".


The number of Members increases to 2375. 
Laurence Coward, one of the founding fathers, is commissioned to write the history of the Canadian Pension and Benefits Institute, as a means of commemorating the thirty-fifth year of operation.

The first CPBC Quebec Regional Conference Takes place in Bromont, Quebec.


The Annual CPBC Conference in Toronto is attended by 631 people; under the theme “Aging Of The Workforce: Challenges for the ‘90s and Beyond” it celebrates the 35th anniversary of the founding of the CPBC. 
The Executive Committee recommends that “Conference” be changed to “Institute”, since the addition to holding conferences there are other services to members, and the word institute is thought by some members to be more professional and dignified. On August 8, the name Canadian Pension and Benefits Conference (CPBC) is changed to Canadian Pension and Benefits Insitute (CPBI).


A revised mission and statement of goals and values is adopted at the 1997 Annual General Meeting.


On December 31, CPBI reaches a record membership of 2533. 
The 1998 National Conference, held in Vancouver is attended by more than 800 participants, guests and speakers.

The first CPBI Ontario Regional Conference takes place in Waterloo, Ontario.


The CPBl Website is launched. The website provides members and non-members with up to the minute information on national and regional activities as well as useful links to other useful sites.


The CPBI 40th anniversary is highlighted at the National Conference in Regina where CPBI past presidents were invited to celebrate this event. Sixteen past presidents, including Laurence Coward a founding member, answer the call and receive merited standing ovation.

The highest level of renewals in membership is achieved to reach a total of 2700 members by year-end.

The members-only section of CPBI Website is completed featuring an updated online members’ directory.


In October, the Atlantic Region holds its first Regional Conference in White Point outside of Halifax, Nova Scotia. 
CPBI Membership continues to grow with more than 2900 members at the end of the year.


The second Regional Chairs and Board of Directors joint meeting is held in September. Members discussed the strategic direction of the CPBI as well as the roles and responsibilities of the National and the Regional bodies.
The CPBI FORUM the new national annual conference is introduced at the National Conference in Winnipeg to over 500 participants who welcomed the new concept. The FORUM will rotate between five cities Toronto, Calgary, Halifax, Vancouver and Montreal.


The first CPBI FORUM takes place in Toronto, Ontario. 
The CPBI launches the CPBI Volunteer Award program to celebrate excellence and commitment. Seven Regional Volunteers and one National Volunteer are celebrated at the regional and national levels.


The CPBI Quebec Region celebrates its 15th Regional Conference in Québec City.

CPBI members have access to free webinars offered to them in partnerships with Benefits Canada.
CPBI celebrates its 50th anniversary at the FORUM 2010 in Halifax, Nova Scotia.


CPBI holds FORUM outside of Canada for the first time in Chicago, IL. 
CPBI Hall of Fame established.
A new Canada Not-for-Profit Corporations Act takes effect and CPBI receives its certificate of


Launch of new CPBI web platform.
FORUM sessions first live webcast from Boston.


FORUM was held in the nation’s capital for the first time.


JUNE - 60th Anniversary of CPBI. 

Tools & Resources

  • Locate CPBI Members by searching the Members' Directory or the Members' Database 
  • Live sessions and video on demand for CPBI members
  • A repository of pertinent industry documents as well as CPBI sessions' slides
  • On-Demand Sessions
    A listing of online sessions for those that couldn't attend the live version

Latest News

Volunteer Application is now open!
September 6, 2024

A great opportunity to join a dynamic group of volunteers and fellow professionals !

Behind the scenes of CPBI Regional Council of Ontario
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An interview with our Regional Council Member

Thank you to CPBI Northern Alberta's 2024 Partners
February 20, 2024

Thank you for supporting us!

CPBI Ontario Welcomes its New Council Members
February 8, 2024

The CPBI Regional Council of Ontario is pleased to announce its new members for 2024. Congratulations to all of them!

JOIN CPBI (new member) Contest
February 2, 2024


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