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National Pharmaceutical StrategyMay 16, 2007 7:30 AM to 9:00 AMRoyal Mayfair Golf and Country Club, Edmonton, Alberta Format: In PersonGlenn Monteith Executive Director, Pharmaceutical Policy & Programs, Alberta Health & Wellness In September 2004, Prime Minister Paul Martin and Canada’s premiers agreed to establish a Ministerial Task Force to consider a National Pharmaceutical Strategy. Pharmaceutical policy has become one of the most important and contested domains of health system management – a rise in prominence largely due to financial realities. So what’s happened since then and what does this mean to private and public drug plans and Canadians as a whole??? Glenn Monteith, with his extensive background in health and pharmaceuticals consulting, and his current role as the Executive Director of Alberta Health & Wellness, Pharmaceutical Policy & Programs will provide us with some facts and perspectives on this great debate on drugs.
Event: 9 of 100 Registered
What happens when the oil runs out?April 18, 2007 7:30 AM to 9:00 AMRoyal Mayfair Golf and Country Club, Edmonton, Alberta Format: In PersonWhere is Alberta's economy going now that the debt has been paid off? How can we diversify our industries? And how can we best invest our surplus revenue to ensure prosperity in the future? These are questions that Albertans must address as we make choices that will determine the kind of province we want to leave for our children. Todd Hirsch received a BA (Honors) in Economics from the University of Alberta, and an MA in Economics from the University of Calgary. Todd started his career at the Canada West Foundation, where he worked in various research positions over an eight-year period. In 1997, he joined Canadian Pacific Railway in Calgary. During his stay with the CPR, he held positions in the Communications and Government Relations Department, the Commercial Development Group, and the Planning and Performance Group. In 2001, Todd joined the Bank of Canada as an Economist in the Research Department and worked out of the Bank's Calgary office. Todd returned to the Canada West Foundation in 2004 as Chief Economist. Since then, he has developed the Canada West Foundation's provincial economic forecasts and profiles series and has worked on a variety of projects including skills shortages and long-term economic planning for western Canada. Todd is an accomplished writer and his work appears regularly in Calgary Inc. Magazine, Avenue Magazine, Policy Options, and the Globe and Mail.
Event: 11 of 100 Registered
Got Lawyers?March 14, 2007 7:30 AM to 9:00 AMRoyal Mayfair Golf and Country Club, Edmonton, Alberta Format: In PersonGOT LAWYERS? Greg Harding and Tom O’Reilly of Field Law will talk about (and probably disagree with each other) why pensions and lawyers are such a good mix, and discuss some of the current and emerging legal issues for the pension industry. Greg is chair of the General Litigation Group in the firm's Edmonton office. His varied practice includes commercial disputes, construction litigation, estate litigation, trust law, administrative law, pension and benefits law, as well as constitutional law (including both charter and human rights litigation). He is currently President of the Canadian Bar Insurance Association. Tom advises local, regional, national and international clients on a wide variety of commercial litigation matters, pension matters and intellectual property matters.
Event: 8 of 100 Registered
Imbedded Guidance...the next revolutionFebruary 21, 2007 7:30 AM to 9:00 AMRoyal Mayfair Golf and Country Club, Edmonton, Alberta Format: In PersonMatthew Rotenberg, Standard Life Canada DC Education and Investments: As a plan sponsor do I offer advice, do I offer education or can I wrap it all together in one simple package. These days guidance is actually being imbedded in the investment products that are offered to members. The evolution of investment offerings has created many turnkey solutions for Sponsors and Members alike. But what are the drawbacks? Do these products cover all the bases and allow sponsors to stop worrying completely? And what about a needs analysis? Should sponsors be helping their members with this aspect of the planning process now that the investment side is taken care of? Matthew Rotenberg of Standard Life Canada will explore these issues in an informative and interactive manner during this seminar.
Event: 0 of 100 Registered
Investment Manager Selection, Monitoring and TerminationJanuary 17, 2007 7:30 AM to 9:00 AMRoyal Mayfair Golf and Country Club, Edmonton, Alberta Format: In PersonMr. Dan Langlois, a Senior Consultant in Aon Consulting's investment consulting practice will conduct this seminar which will help you to: • identify considerations when selecting investment managers, • learn how to set and use benchmarks, • learn how to avoid investment monitoring pitfalls, • learn when you should terminate the services of an investment manager.
Event: 10 of 100 Registered
Economic ForecastDecember 13, 2006 7:30 AM to 9:00 AMRoyal Mayfair Golf and Country Club, Edmonton, Alberta Format: In PersonSPEAKER Mark Illing Senior Representative (Economics) For the Prairies, Nunavut, and NWT region Bank of Canada The Canadian economy has been subject to significant shocks over the past three years as global growth and the demand for commodities has accelerated. Surging energy and metals prices have driven up the Canadian dollar at an unprecedented rate, while inflation pressures and interest rates have been remarkably low and stable. The effects of the commodity boom have resulted in greater regional disparities than at any point since the late-1970s, and yet the Bank of Canada's monetary policy remains national in scope. At the same time, global imbalances continue to mount--the U.S. absorbs most of the world's savings to fuel an unsustainable trade deficit--leaving trillions of dollars of housing wealth hanging in the balance. Mark Illing will discuss these issues in the context of the Bank of Canada's global economic outlook, and then explore the implications for Canada and, in particular, the Alberta economy.
Event: 3 of 100 Registered
Retiree BenefitsNovember 15, 2006 7:30 AM to 9:00 AMRoyal Mayfair Golf and Country Club, Edmonton, Alberta Format: In PersonRETIREE BENEFITS - What They Mean To Group Insurance Plans Perry Dorgan, Vice President, Plan Benefits, West Region, Johnson Inc. The provision of retiree benefits offers many interesting issues for employers. The increasing costs of group benefits, coupled with the growing number of retirees, presents a number of challenges. Our dynamic economy requires employers to consider how to balance their attraction and retention needs with the long-term needs of employees. What do employers need to consider to meet employee expectations? What are the legal and governance challenges? Are there other options to an employer sponsored plan? Perry Dorgan has many years of experience consulting on the design and delivery of group benefit plans. He will provide you with information on the issues and suggest some strategic considerations for organizations. Perry will also leave you with some thoughts on the Re-envisioning of retirement.
Event: 4 of 100 Registered
Health and Wellness SeriesOctober 25, 2006 7:30 AM to 4:00 AMMayfair Golf and Country Club, Edmonton, Alberta Format: In PersonThe Northern Alberta Regional Council has arranged for a one-day series of presentations by experts on topics that employers are facing as they deal with the health and wellness of their organization and employees. The speakers will provide you with information for managing your health benefit plans while addressing attraction and retention issues and recognizing the divergent needs of employees and your organization.
Event: 6 of 100 Registered
Finding Common Ground - NSPOctober 18, 2006 7:30 AM to 9:30 AMRoyal Mayfair Golf and Country Club, Edmonton, Alberta Format: In PersonMr. Longhurst will focus on the theme Finding Common Ground. Some of the subject matter that will be touched upon is his speech will be an overview of the current status of Canada's Pension System, where the various stakeholders currently find themselves, some of the key challenges they face and how to transition to a common ground.
Event: 6 of 100 Registered
Highlights of the New Pension LegislationSeptember 20, 2006 7:30 AM to 9:15 AMMayfair Golf and Country Club, Edmonton, Alberta Format: In PersonAmendments to the Employment Pension Plans Act and Employment Pension Plans Regulation became effective August 10, 2006. These amendments have a number of ramifications for pension plan sponsors, pension plan members, locked-in accountholders, financial institutions, and consultants. A representative of the Alberta Superintendent of Pensions will be making a presentation highlighting some of these amendments. Specifically, this presentation, among other things, will highlight amendments that will need to be made to pension plans, changes to the responsibilities of pension plan administrators, changes to forms and filing requirements for pension plans registered in Alberta, and changes to locked-in accounts. This timely seminar should be of interest to all pension plan sponsors, trustees of pension plan funds, pension committee members, pension & benefits directors of organizations and others who practice in areas affecting pension plans. There will also be plenty of time for questions.
Event: 3 of 100 Registered
Trends in Disability ManagementJune 14, 2006 7:30 AM to 9:00 AMMayfair Golf and Country Club, Edmonton, Alberta Format: In PersonBob MacArthur President and CEO Organizational Health Incorporated (OHI) "Trends in Disability Management"...........the benefits of integrating Employee Assistance Programs and Disability Management have been espoused for some time. At this session we will hear some real life case stories demonstrating the benefit of such programs and an example of how integration led to the creation of a new approach to drug testing in Alberta. We'll talk about some of the barriers to integration and receive tips on how to proceed. Bob MacArthur is President and CEO of Organizational Health Incorporated (OHI). OHI is an independent, Canadian health management company supplying disability case management programs, employee and family assistance programs, and worker’s compensation services to employers, union members and insurance carriers. OHI has designed a unique, integrated recovery model which is highlighted by teamwork between Disability Management staff and Employee Assistance Program professionals.
Event: 3 of 100 Registered
Communicating with Emotional IntelligenceMay 24, 2006 8:00 AM to 11:45 AMEdmonton Petroleum Club, Edmonton, Alberta Format: In PersonEmployees are no longer being defined by their IQs or their technical expertise alone. In many cases, these qualifications merely allow you entry into an industry and do not guarantee success. Myriad, complex forces create unprecedented challenges for businesses today which, in turn, have led to a changed profile of the successful employee. EQ is increasingly recognized as a necessary competency to compete in this new work environment. EQ is the capacity for recognizing how our feelings play a substantial role in self-motivation and self-management, and using this awareness to successfully manage relationships in the workplace. For many people, an undeveloped EQ competency is the missing link that is keeping them from greater success. This session will provide participants with the opportunity to learn more about this concept of EQ and have a first-hand experience of understanding their own.
Event: 2 of 110 Registered
National Speakers ProgramApril 19, 2006 7:30 AM to 9:30 AMMayfair Golf and Country Club, Edmonton, Alberta Format: In PersonA decade ago Canada's social security system was heading towards insolvency. Major reforms introduced between 1997 and 2003 to the Canada Pension Plan (and its cousin, the Quebec Pension Plan) made the systems self-financing and actuarially balanced for the next two generations. This was accomplished by dramatically increasing the CPP payroll tax and investing pension funds to maximize returns.
Event: 12 of 120 Registered
Capital Health: Now and into the FutureMarch 15, 2006 7:30 AM to 9:00 AMMayfair Golf and Country Club, Edmonton, Alberta Format: In PersonCapital Health is one of Canada's largest integrated academic health regions providing comprehensive health services to one million residents in the cities of Edmonton, Fort Saskatchewan, Leduc, Spruce Grove and St. Albert. CH also serves a total of 1.6 million people across central and northern Alberta, and western and northern Canada, providing specialized services such as trauma and burn treatment, heart surgery, organ transplants and high-risk obstetrics. As an academic based health system, Capital Health Works closely with the University of Alberta and other post secondary institutions to train and prepare the next generation of health professionals as well as to recruit and support leading researchers. Capital Health has earned a reputation for being one of the country's top rated health systems known for ground breaking innovations and advances in medicine. Joanne O'Gorman, Director, Office for Health Innovation, Capital Health, Edmonton, Alberta will provide an opportunity to share information about Capital Health, its services and new initiatives that are planned or underway.
Event: 2 of 100 Registered
Defined Benefit Pension PlansFebruary 1, 2006 7:30 AM to 9:00 AMMayfair Golf and Country Club, Edmonton, Alberta Format: In PersonDefined Benefit Pension Plans - what is their future? Presenter: Keith Ambachtsheer There is now a broad consensus that our workplace pension system is sick. Most pension experts think the cure is to put a DB chicken in every working Canadian's pension pot. Keith Ambachtsheer disagrees, but does not believe that DC plans are the answer either. So what is the answer? This is the question he intends to address at the CPBI Breakfast Meeting on February 1. Keith began his career as an investment analyst with Sun Life Assurance Company, advanced as a partner and research director for Canavest House, and became co-founder and partner of Pension Finance Associates. He has operated his own firm, K.P.A. Advisory Services Ltd. since 1985. He provides strategic advice on governance, finance, and investment matters to governments, industry associations, pension plan sponsors, foundations, and other institutional investors. Keith played a major role in founding of the Rotman International Centre for Pension Management (ICPM). He was recently appointed the Director of ICPM and Adjunct Professor of Finance at The Rotman School of Management, University of Toronto. He is responsible for the management, administration and external representation of the Centre and also leads the charge for shaping and executing the Center's research agenda.
Event: 2 of 100 Registered
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