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WE FEAR OPPORTUNITY!!December 17, 2008 8:00 AM to 9:00 AMRoyal Mayfair Golf and Country Club, Edmonton, Alberta Format: In PersonJ. Angust Watt - National Bank Financial:::: The turbulent and exciting roller coaster ride of the markets this past year has left many individuals, employees and employers confused and uncertain about investing in the markets and their retirement plans. Come listen to a financial overview of the past year as well as gaining some insight into what’s to come in 2009. Angus Watt of National Bank Financial will be proving us with some insight into the current economic conditions and well as discussing: ➢ 6 Steps to Economic Recovery ➢ Providing Information on the impact to Pension Plans, Pension Funds and Group RSPs ➢ Impact of Economic Change on the Pension Plan and Group RSP Industry
Event: 8 of 120 Registered
JEPPS – A Status ReportNovember 19, 2008 8:00 AM to 9:00 AMRoyal Mayfair Golf & Country Club, Edmonton, Alberta Format: In PersonJOINT EXPERT PANEL ON PENSION STANDARDS (JEPPS) – A Status Report - Presenter: Elaine Noel-Bentley, JEPPS Panel Member & LAPP Trustee:: On October 19, 2007, the Ministers of Finance in Alberta and British Columbia appointed a six person panel to conduct a full and independent review of the two provinces' pension standards legislation, with a report due on November 14, 2008. In this session a discussion of the JEPPS process and submissions received, and perspectives on the challenges that the panel has in reviewing pension standards.
Event: 7 of 120 Registered
THE McCRANK REPORT – what came next?October 15, 2008 7:30 AM to 9:00 AMRoyal Mayfair Golf & Country Club, Edmonton, Alberta Format: In PersonTHE McCRANK REPORT – what came next? with presenter Sally Greenhill ......... The government commissioned Neil McCrank to review the governance structure of public agencies to determine best practices and make recommendations. Subsequent to the report the Alberta's Public Agencies Governance Framework was established. The Agency Governance Secretariat manages the implementation of the framework. One of the key initiatives is the skills assessment, advertisement for and recruitment of board members. A representative of the office will explain exactly what is involved with the governance framework, and what public agencies and boards have done in response. This session would be of interest to people involved in public boards and agencies as well as those in the private sector who are interested in the latest governance initiatives.
Event: 2 of 120 Registered
WORK LIFE BALANCE: WHAT WORKS?September 18, 2008 7:00 AM to 8:30 AMEdmonton Petroleum Club (11110 – 108 Street), Edmonton, Alberta Format: In PersonWork life balance: What works? What Doesn’t? • Linda Duxbury, Carleton University • This talk summarizes the key findings from the reporting coming out of the 2001 Balancing Work, Family and Lifestyle National study with respect to the two most prevalent and harmful forms of work-life conflict: role overload and how work interferes with family. Specifically it answers the following questions with respect to these two forms of work-life conflict: What is it? What causes it? Who is at risk? Why should organizations care? What can the key stakeholders (i.e. businesses, employees, families) do to reduce it? ••• Please note that this session is being held at the Edmonton Petroleum Club (11110 – 108 Street) on Thursday, September 18 and is starting 30 minutes earlier than regular CPBI Sessions •••
Event: 3 of 120 Registered
Chase Your Dreams - with Marty ChanJune 18, 2008 7:30 AM to 9:00 AMRoyal Mayfair Golf & Country Club, Edmonton, Alberta Format: In PersonAuthor and playwright Marty Chan tells light-hearted anecdotes to illustrate how passion for a career can overcome any obstacle, even his mother.
Event: 1 of 120 Registered
THE USA CONSUMER’S TROUBLESMay 21, 2008 7:30 AM to 9:00 AMRoyal Mayfair Golf & Country Club, Edmonton, Alberta Format: In PersonGary Smith, Senior Economist/Strategist, Alberta Investment Management Corporation While the worst of the credit crisis may be in the past, continuing difficulties in the financial sector, the ongoing housing crisis, and various other factors will weigh heavily on the consumer sector for some time. As the consumer is the most significant part of the USA economy, troubles in this sector will have an impact on overall economic growth not just in the USA, but also in Canada and around the world. Gary Smith, Senior Economist/Strategist with Alberta Investment Management Corporation will explore the issues troubling the consumer, why they are important, and some possible implications for financial markets.
Event: 4 of 120 Registered
PHARMACIST PRESCRIBING - One Year LaterApril 16, 2008 8:00 AM to 9:00 AMRoyal Mayfair Golf & Country Club, Edmonton, Alberta Format: In PersonMargaret Wing, Director of Professional Services, Alberta Pharmacists’ Association xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx In April 2007, Alberta pharmacists were given legal authority to prescribe some medications and administer drugs by injection. One year later 92% of Alberta pharmacists have the authority to prescribe through adaptation of a prescription or in an emergency. Last fall at the completion of a pilot project, fifteen pharmacists, eight of whom are in Edmonton, now have additional prescribing privileges and can fully manage a patient’s drug therapy. It is expected other pharmacists will apply for this additional prescribing authorization now the pilot project is complete. Margaret Wing will provide information on the review process for pharmacists, their scope of authority and the relationship of the pharmacist with primary care physicians and their patients. She will also speak on what employers and employees can expect in the future with regard to the evolving role of pharmacists in patient care.
Event: 9 of 120 Registered
CPP INVESTMENT BOARDMarch 17, 2008 7:30 AM to 9:00 AMRoyal Mayfair Golf & Country Club, Edmonton, Alberta Format: In PersonJohn H. Ilkiw Senior Vice President, Portfolio Design and Risk Management, CPP Investment Board • After opening with a review of the 1997 CPP reforms that led to the creation of the CPPIB, the presentation will focus on how the CPPIB manages the retirement assets of 16 million Canadians. Investment objectives, success measures, fund governance framework and risk management practices will be presented and discussed. How CPPIB adds value, manages risk and ensures accountability will be illustrated using stylized private equity transactions. The presentation ends by explaining why the CPPIB is not a sovereign wealth fund.
Event: 3 of 120 Registered
Leverage Your Total Rewards ProgramFebruary 20, 2008 7:30 AM to 9:00 AMRoyal Mayfair Golf & Country Club, Edmonton, Alberta Format: In PersonLeverage Your Total Rewards Program To Attract, Retain & Define Your Employer Value Proposition ::: The Conference Board of Canada Compensation Planning Outlook 2006 states that two thirds of the 347 organizations surveyed report that recruitment and retention are two of the top challenges of Human Resources leaders today. According to the same study, the average employer spends 28.5% of payroll on total rewards. This is a significant investment. However, existing and prospective employees often don’t understand the true value of the total rewards program or the value proposition of the organization. The right total rewards program can have a significant impact on positioning you as the employer of choice. This seminar will explore ways you can leverage your total rewards program to help attract and retain the best talent. Our guest speaker, Diane McElroy of Aon Consulting, will present case studies of how employers in Canada and worldwide branded their organizations internally and externally as “employer of choice”. Diane will share recruiting trends and strategies that can help employers capitalize on promoting their total rewards differentiation in the marketplace. Diane will also share trends in total rewards communication and share how effective communication can contribute to developing a high performance workforce that understands the employee value proposition. Diane McElroy, Senior Vice President from Aon Consulting is the leader of the total rewards communication team. She has over 35 years of experience in the development and implementation of strategic total rewards communication plans. Diane has implemented dozens of human resources branding campaigns to help employers attract and retain the best talent. Diane has won over a dozen national and international awards for excellence in total rewards and change management communication.
Event: 10 of 120 Registered
DEFINED CONTRIBUTION RISKSJanuary 16, 2008 7:30 AM to 9:00 AMRoyal Mayfair Golf & Country Club, Edmonton, Alberta Format: In PersonDEFINED CONTRIBUTION RISKS: Pension Adequacy and Replacement Ratios:: There has been significant movement from Defined Benefit (DB) to Defined Contribution (DC) pension plans, with few new DB plans being underwritten over the past 10 to 15 years. While DC Plans empower employees with control of their Investments employees also assume the corresponding responsibility to manage those investments to secure their retirement nest egg effectively transferring retirement risk from the sponsor to the employee. For the most part, DC plans were designed based on an internal set Of budgetary constraints and external competitive pressures. Unfortunately in doing so, even in light of the best adhered to CAP Guidelines, Sponsors may have inadvertently ignored the employee perspective, specifically, explaining and clarifying what retirement income may by delivered by DC Plans. In the coming years more Canadians will retire from DC plans than ever before. Many in our business fear lawsuits grounded in complaints about inadequacy of retirement income, or insufficient replacement ratios* due to ill-designed DC Plans. These lawsuits are likely to take another couple decades, as plan members retire in sufficient numbers from DC Plans to result in widespread legal action. Please join us as Minaz Lalani from Towers Perrin provides practical guidance on the role of employers in managing, or avoiding the potential risk of litigation of retirement (in) adequacy in DC Plans. Minaz will discuss: • A better understanding of retirement adequacy and replacement ratios, answering the question: How much is adequate retirement income? • Managing employee expectations on retirement income and providing worthwhile retirement adequacy education and communication| to employees, and; • Actions employers can take to "bullet-proof" retirement adequacy risk. Minaz Lalani is a Principal and consulting actuary with Towers Perrin in Calgary. He has established and designed DC Plans since the late 1980s; recently, he has been strategically involved in managing DC risks for large DC clients. Minaz has over 25 years of experience in strategic, actuarial and human resource consulting services, including pension review and design, financial management of retirement plans, employee education and governance, including integration of retirement plans in merger and acquisition situations. * Ratio of retirement income as a percentage of earnings at retirement.
Event: 10 of 110 Registered
ECONOMIC OVERVIEW 2007December 12, 2007 7:30 AM to 9:00 AMRoyal Mayfair Golf & Country Club, Edmonton, Alberta Format: In PersonGary Smith, Ph.D, CFA Senior Strategist/Economist, Alberta Investment Management Financial markets have been exhibiting tremendous volatility over the last several months. Equity markets have been gyrating, certain segments of the credit markets have effectively closed, and the Canadian dollar and other currencies have reached unprecedented levels when measured against the US dollar. What is going on? Join Gary Smith, the Senior Strategist/Economist with Alberta Investment Management as he provides an overview of why the markets are behaving as they have been lately and explores some detail regarding the magnitude of the problems, and to suggest some consequences of the current market turmoil for economic activity over the next few quarters.
Event: 11 of 120 Registered
A Pension Legislation Update and ReviewNovember 21, 2007 7:30 AM to 9:00 AMRoyal Mayfair Golf & Country Club, Edmonton, Alberta Format: In PersonWhat’s new... what’s happening... and what to anticipate! - A Pension Legislation Update and Review Come out and hear an update and review of the changes to the pension legislation directly from the authorities at the Alberta Superintendent of Pensions office. We are pleased to have Mark Prefontaine, Acting Deputy Superintendent of Pensions at Alberta Finance come out to review and comment on the recent changes to the pension legislation. In addition, Mark will provide some insight on legislation changes that are currently “in the pipe” and what we can potentially look forward to in the future. This insightful and informative symposium will be followed by a frank open question and answer session to discuss or further clarify the meaning of the changes for plans sponsors as well as the impact on the individual members.
Event: 4 of 100 Registered
Pension Legislation UpdateOctober 16, 2007 7:30 AM to 9:00 AMEdmonton Petroleum Club, Edmonton, Alberta Format: In PersonMurray Gold, a partner with Koskie Minsky LLP Barristers and Solicitors will discuss the legal issues surrounding solvency funding, changes to pension legislation in the offing and the impact of recent court cases on pensions.
Event: 4 of 120 Registered
Sanofi-Aventis Healthcare SurveySeptember 19, 2007 7:30 AM to 9:00 AMRoyal Mayfair Golf & Country Club, Edmonton, Alberta Format: In PersonArt Babcock, Vice president, AON and member of the advisory board for the healthcare survey, will present the 10th anniversary edition of the sanofi-aventis healthcare survey 2007. Come and hear what Canadians are saying about the public health care system and their benefit plans. Hear about latest issues and trends. Get the latest statistics on employee job satisfaction, what’s keeping them at work and what’s driving them away. Learn about the importance of benefit plan design! Enroll early to make sure you get the latest news.
Event: 8 of 120 Registered
Lessons in the Circle of LifeJune 20, 2007 8:00 AM to 9:30 AMRoyal Mayfair Golf and Country Club, Edmonton, Alberta Format: In PersonDon’t miss out on our member appreciation event with John Watkis, motivational speaker, entertainer and author Come and be inspired by John and this end of the year event. Using side splitting humor, real life examples and masterful storytelling John will present common sense Lessons in the Circle of Life. For details on John visit:
Event: 5 of 100 Registered
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