FORUM 2023









LUNDI LE 5 JUIN 2023  

8h30 à 11h00
ACTIVITÉ DU MATIN (optionnelle moyennant un supplément - 65 $, transport inclus)

Un nombre minimum de 8 inscriptions est requis pour que chaque visite ait lieu. Si nous ne recevons pas suffisamment d'inscriptions, il vous sera demandé de choisir entre les deux autres visites qui ont lieu en même temps.


Visite guidée de Churchill - 90 minutes
Préparez-vous à entrer en contact avec le paysage de Churchill lors de la visite de l'exposition Journey to Churchill, à la recherche d'ours polaires et d'autres animaux de la toundra.

Commandité par :

12h00 à 14h00 

Dîner et conférene d'ouverture (anglais)

The ROI Ripple Effect of Resilient Leaders

Jodie Voth, Manager, Employee Assistance Services, Manitoba Blue Cross

Leaders are uniquely positioned in the workplace to buffer the stress and strain experienced by their teams. However, leaders are also more vulnerable to stressors due to their intersecting roles as leaders, employees, community members and humans, particularly during times of crisis. Organizations that understand these realities can realize significant ROI by investing in leaders. This investment capitalizes on leaders’ ability to pass those benefits along to their teams and cultivate a healthy and psychologically safe workplace culture that benefits the whole organization. Leaders and organizations that understand and implement leader-focused practices are more resilient and demonstrate better outcomes when faced with critical events – from death and loss within the work group to pandemics.

Drawing from the facilitator’s experience of developing and delivering leader-specific interventions during the pandemic, participants will learn about the unique experience of leaders and how the provision of leader-specific tools and supports can benefit entire teams and organizations. Takeaways include self-reflection exercises that promote leader resilience and actionable tools that can be immediately implemented in the workplace.

14h00 à 15h00 

S1 - Retraite

Decumulation: What’s your plan?

Karen Wachal, Senior Pension & Benefits Manager, Bell
Blair Richards, CIO, Halifax Port ILA/HEA
Janice Holman, Principal, Eckler

A growing interest in the transition from work to retirement has heightened attention to the decumulation phase of life. Demand for more products and services which better reflect and enable a multitude of scenarios has followed. There are new and modern alternatives available now which warrant consideration by plan sponsors for incorporation. Join the three person panel to see both what is possible due to legislative/regulatory developments and what is popular with employees.

Two very different plan sponsors present their member retirement packages which include the latest options.

Follow up the presentation session with a workshop to explore your particular situation. Are you confused with all the different options and which would be best for you and your members? Come with questions and comments relative to the pension plan you’re involved with. Thinking from both the sponsor perspective and about your own future we can look at the flexibility, reduced costs, and risk mitigation strategies at your disposal that make so many more decumulation options possible today.

S2 - Collectif

Embracing the Grey Tsunami - What Benefit Plan Sponsors Can Do to Adapt to an Aging Workforce

Gerrit Marai, Consultant, PBI

Statistics show that the Canadian workforce is aging, but how does this affect plan design and costs? By demographically projecting sample workforces, this session will explain how a plan's funding can be impacted and what trustees and fiduciaries can do today to ensure plan sustainability in the future.

Attend to: 

  • Discover the potential impacts of an aging membership on your Plans and how you can adapt to them
  • Learn about the importance of workforce planning
  • Learn how to use demographics modelling to ensure your plan’s sustainability
15h00 à 15h30 




15h30  à 16h30 

S3 - Retraite

Climate Change, Are We Doing Enough?

Toby Heaps, CEO, Corporate Knights 
Kevin Thomas, CEO, Shareholder Association for Research and Education (SHARE)
Dee Henne, CEO, Lead (Learn | Excel | Adapt | Deliver)

Moderator: Randy Bauslaugh, Partner, Bauslaugh Pensions & Benefits Law

Last fall the UN warned that current reduction efforts to limit global temperature rise to 1.5°C are not enough to prevent our planet from warming by at least 2.5°C,  a level deemed catastrophic by scientists at the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC). Despite interest by pension funds in “sustainable investments” Implementation strategies vary dramatically. Why?  This session will identify what pension funds are doing, the barriers that exist, and the supports pension funds may need to increase allocations to the financing of reduction, removal, resilience, and remediation efforts.  This includes the role of plan size, education, availability of investment vehicles, pension fund governance policy, and the role of regulators, plan administrators and plan members.

S4-  Collectif

What Millennials expect from you (and from us)

Charmaine Alexander, Plan Sponsor Service Advisor - Disability Management and Prevention, Desjardins Insurance
Kara Macdonald,  Human Resources Manager, Myers LLP
Katrina Young,   Benefits Consultant, BFL CANADA

Moderator: Melody Helleouet,Account Executive, Desjardins Insurance

Millennials make up a third of the Canadian workforce today. Attracting and retaining these workers is key to addressing the labour shortage.

A recent study into overall health by Desjardins Insurance revealed that 40% of Millennials feel disconnected from their work, and that 43% are considering leaving their job in the next year. Can we change their minds? If so, how?

Attend to learn

  • What millennial employees expect from their employers
  • What types of benefits can improve their mental, financial, physical, social and environmental well-being
  • How managers’ roles need to change to engage (or re-engage) Millennials at work
  • How employers can leverage their benefits plan to attract and retain Millenials
18h30 à 21h30
Réception et dîner « d’avant-match » de type Tailgate party

Attendez-vous à de la bonne nourriture, à un tournoi amical de « jeux de poches », à des concours tels que « Meilleur chant d’équipe » et « Meilleur costume d’équipe», à des invités spéciaux et à quelques surprises.

Commencez dès maintenant à planifier les membres de votre équipe !

Code vestimentaire : Tenue décontractée. Venez en jeans et en t-shirt ou, si vous en avez un, le chandail de votre équipe préférée de la LCF (ou tout autre accessoire de l'équipe).

Commandité par :

MARDI LE 6 JUIN, 2023  

7h00 à 8h00 Petit-déjeuner 
8h00 à 9h00 


Manuel A. Pizarro 

Inspire Your Mind – You Are More Than You Imagine

Manuel Pizarro inspires others by marrying his paramilitary covert experience with his mountaineering achievements to deliver powerful messaging on self-knowledge, brain chemistry, human stress, motivation, performance and resiliency.

Manuel has reached six of the seven tallest summits on each continent. He is the first Canadian to have reached the summit of Mount Everest solo, and the first Quebecer to have reached Everest’s summit twice. His specialized training and experience in clandestine operations in the RCMP have exposed him to a world of knowledge, from secret technologies and algorithms, to understanding “our default setting” to evolving and reinventing the chemistry of our brain every seven years.

In this keynote address, Manuel will tap into his training with Buddhist Monks of Tibet, Clandestine Services, and Canadian Special Forces to address the chemistry of humans under stress and the fundamentals of human performance.

Be ready to be inspired!

9h00 à 9h30 

Assemblée générale annuelle

(membre de l'ICRA seulement) 

9h30 à 10h30



S5 - Retraite

Engaging Members Starts at Day One

Pam Bristol - 
Director, Public Employees Benefits Agency
Tola Oduntan Manager, Member and Stakeholder Relations, Public Employees Benefits Agency

In this session you will hear highlights of the engagement tactics PEBA is using successfully throughout the member journey to drive member engagement across these plans.

PEPP is Canada’s largest define contribution plan, and MEPP is a defined benefits plan. Both plans have different member information needs and rates of engagement. In 2022, PEBA doubled down on member engagement to ensure members are educated about their pension plans and aware of PEBA’s services to help them achieve the best retirement outcomes. PEBA’s retirement information consultants (RICs), who are certified financial planners, deliver in-person workshops and one-on-one meetings to help members make the best choices for their financial and retirement goals. In 2022, PEBA’s communication team began a targeted marketing campaign based on member age and stage to drive members to the RICs’ workshops and one-on-one meetings. The campaign also provided information to help members navigate current market volatility. The results have been increased demand from members which will lead to better plan awareness and member retention as the agency transitions to a not-for-profit corporation.

S6 - Collectif

Panel on Private Drug Benefits: Ensuring Value for Plan Sponsors

Joe Farago, Executive Director, Private Payers and Investment, Innovative Medicines Canada
Bianca Brooks, Senior Pharmaceutical Benefits Strategist, Sun Life
Frédéric Leblanc, Strategic Advisor, Drug Program Management iA Group

Moderator: Kim Siddall,   National Vice President, Account Management, Mid-Large Business, People Corporation 

This session will review key drug trends and discuss approaches to consider to maintain coverage of new medicines, including a national pooling mechanism. Cross-industry collaboration will be discussed, including innovative reimbursement solutions such as outcome-based agreements.

S7 - Placement

Oversight of ESG Investing

Bonnie Foley-Wong, Sustainable Investment Leader, Canada, Mercer
Paul Fahey, Head of Investment Data Science, Asset Servicing, Americas, Northern Trust

Institutional investors are increasingly recognizing the importance of sustainable investing, but integrating environmental, social, and governance factors into investment approaches can be challenging. In this session, we will explore how pension managers can start their sustainability journey and take actionable steps to achieve their strategic, financial, and sustainability objectives. We will also discuss how data science can be leveraged to streamline the broad and growing world of ESG data analytics, including crafting a data-supported investment strategy, analyzing screening and risk and performance, portfolio optimization and simulation, and reporting/benchmarking. We will explore how institutional investors can efficiently support their sustainability investing goals and access the ESG data needed to drive decisions. Additionally, we will address the importance of staying ahead of regulatory changes by focusing now on how to put ESG data to work.

Attend to Learn:

  • Understand the challenges of integrating sustainability into investment approaches and learn initial steps to take when starting a sustainability journey.
  • Learn how data science can be used to develop a data-supported investment strategy and how screening, risk and performance analysis, portfolio optimization and simulation, and reporting/benchmarking factor into a strategy.
  • Explore how institutional investors can efficiently support their sustainability investing goals and access the ESG data needed to drive decisions, while also staying ahead of likely regulatory changes.
10h30 à 11h00



S8 - Retraite

Pension Transformation : Defining Thresholds for change

Niki Zaphiratos, Managing Director, RBC Investor & Treasury Services
Barney Nelson, CEO, The Value Exchange
David Asselstine, SVP & CFO, Teacher Retirement Allowances Fund (TRAF)

As pension funds pursue transformation projects this year, many are leveraging data to make decisions about the optimal operating model for their business. In this presentation, Niki Zaphiratos, Head of Asset Owners, Client Coverage at RBC Investor & Treasury Services, will share the latest findings of our Asset Owner Transformation research series, led by RBC with global partners, with insights from over 150 pension funds globally. Our 2023 research builds on our 2022 report by further exploring how asset owners are pursuing change, where they are succeeding, and which projects are getting left behind.

Attend to learn:

  • Why existing pension operating models are no longer working
  • What pension funds are doing to transform their operational infrastructures
  • How pension funds are mapping their change journey, including their common obstacles and challenges in realizing transformation
  • How new technologies are performing in practice

S9 - Collectif

Include me as I am. Perspectives on Diversity, Equity, Inclusion and Mental Health in the Workplace

Alex Boucher, Consultant, Total Health Management, Mercer
Stephanie Lue-Kim, Consultant, Total Health Management, Mercer

Within the last few years Diversity, Equity, Inclusion (DEI) has surfaced as a top agenda across all industries, across the country, and one could say across the globe. Social forces such as various social rights movements, the pandemic, inflation, and the global labour shortage to name a few have increasingly put a spotlight on DEI. Mental health experts have applied DEI tactics throughout their practice and it’s time to shine a spotlight on the consistent agenda each topic emphasizes – the benefits to the workplace, and the greater society, will have if every individual is accepted and included as they are.

  • The business case, and cost of doing nothing for DEI and mental health
  • Strategies to support an inclusive culture
  • Steps for implementation

S10 - Placement

Bringing Alternative Investments to DC Plan

Gary Hutch, Executive Director, Investment Services, Public Employees Benefits Agency (PEBA)
Jafer Naqvi, Vice President & Director, Lead of Institutional Asset Allocation Team, TD Asset Management Inc.

Historically, Defined Benefit Pension Plans have benefited from exposure to alternative asset classes, to provide diversification benefits, preserving the upside while mitigating the downside. With a growing number of DC plans, how can we bring DB investment structures to DC members to help achieve retirement objectives? This session will explore how DC solutions can be designed to optimize plan member outcomes and meet plan member needs, and how PEBA, the Public Employees Pension Plan (PEPP), and PEPP’s sister plan, the Municipal Employee’s Pension Plan (MEPP) worked together to target a combined portfolio of $2 billion in private equity and infrastructure investments between the two plans.

12h00 à 14h00 


Tables rondes  

Choisissez votre sujet et joignez-vous à la discussion. Partagez des idées, écoutez et apprenez les meilleures pratiques.

14h00 à 15h00

S11 - Retraite

What's this Obsession with Single Employer Pension Plans? 

Lilach Frenkel, Director, Product Innovation, CAAT Pension Plan
Dawn Marchand, President & CEO Lawyers Financial
Bauslaugh, Bauslaugh Pensions & Benefits Law

Canada’s workplace pension system is often held up in other parts of the world as a model to emulate.  Canada’s “Maple Leaf Plans” are revered for risk-adjusted performance, asset-liability management, private market investing, ESG transition, transparency, and cost-efficient benefit delivery.   Sadly, these plans represent less than half of one percent of our more than 16,300 registered pension plans.  Most of our plans are single employer plans with fewer than 10 members and all our registered plans only cover less than 40% of the Canadian workforce. The Maple Leaf Plans tend to have thousands of members.  All are sector-wide or multi-employer plans.  This session will examine whether its time to move away from the inefficient single employer model by examining the success of multi-employer and industry-wide models in Canada and elsewhere. 

S12 - Collectif

Disability re-Imagined : A people-first Approach to Plan Member Ability

Christine Hildebrand, VP Health and Ability Strategy, Canada Life
Leanne Taylor, Canadian Elite Paratriathlete and Compliance Officer, Medicure Inc.
Paula Bonham, Human Resources Generalist, Medicure Inc.

Moderator: Laurel Mansfield, National Practice Leader of Wellbeing, Canada Life

When life-changing events like injuries and illnesses happen, they don’t just impact the plan member, they also affect their family and their plan sponsor. It takes more than a one-size-fits-all approach to support a successful recovery and return to work.

After a cycling accident in 2018 left Leanne Taylor paralyzed from the waist down at twenty-five years old, she had to rebuild her life from the ground up. Determined to create a fulfilling life and move forward, Leanne set a lofty goal of completing a triathlon, using only her arms, just eight months after her injury. And she did it. Fast-forward four years, Leanne has become one of the top-ranked paratriathletes in the world, while adapting to life in a wheelchair. Leanne also excels in her day job as a compliance officer at a pharmaceutical company where she won an award as one of the Top 25 Women in Biotechnology in 2022.

Join Canada Life for holistic panel conversation with plan sponsor Medicure and plan member Leanne as they discuss how their people-first approach to disability management helped everyone see what Leanne can do, not what she can’t do.

Attend to learn

  • Why employers should incorporate well-being into their plan to take a proactive approach to disability
  • How employers can take a holistic people-first approach to create a more resilient employee
  • What’s the best way to ensure an employee returns to work ready to win and make a positive contribution for the organization

S13 - Placements 

Impact of higher interest rates on future investment opportunities

Graeme Hay, CIO of Teachers’ Retirement Allowances Fund (TRAF)
Peter Muldowney, Head of Institutional and Multi-Asset Strategy, Connor, Clark & Lunn Financial Group

The multi-decade decline in interest rates has not only seen the reduction in allocations to traditional fixed income, but also contributed to the growth in allocations to private market assets, such as commercial real estate and infrastructure. The speed and magnitude of the rise in interest rates so far in 2022 has diminished investor’s appetite for fixed income, which has delivered double-digit negative returns to the end of September 2022. The past is the past, but to what extent does the current rate environment affect future asset class return-drivers?

Attend to:

  • Hear why the next 10-years could be different for the return-opportunity set.
  • Learn what asset classes will benefit from the current rate environment.
  • Obtain some practical next steps in reviewing investment strategies.

Who should attend:

Investment and pension committee members

15h00 à 15h30  


15h30 à 16h30 

S14 - Retraite 

Innovation in Longevity 

Dino Bourdos, CFA, CIM, Portfolio Manager, Head of Investment Solutions - Guardian Capital LP
Pat Leo, Vice President, Longevity Retirement Solutions, Purpose Investments

S15 - Collectif 

Health, Wellness and Support: Employment Relationship in the Face of Change

Dan Licoppe, Director Maximum Benefit, Johnston Group
Sharon Au, Counsel, MLT Aikins LLP
Kristin Gibson, Partner, MLT Aikins LLP

Moderator: Marnie Klimack, Manager, Group Sales, Manitoba Blue Cross

S16 - Placements

Panel on Revisiting Equity Growth

Dimitar Shapov, Vice President, Portfolio Manager – Emerging Markets, Burgundy Asset Management LT
Leon Eidelman, Managing Director, Portfolio manager - Emerging Markets JP Morgan 

18h00 à 21h30  
Soirée de gala « célébration du patrimoine » 

Voyagez dans le monde entier sans passeport et assistez à des spectacles de classe mondiale, dégustez une délicieuse cuisine et célébrez le riche patrimoine culturel du Canada avec vos collègues de l'industrie.

Code vestimentaire : Tenue d'affaires décontractée ou se sentir libres de GLAMER

Commandité par :


7h00 à 8h00  
8h00 à 9h30 

Global and Economic Market Outlook

Candice Bangsund, Vice President and Portfolio Manager, Global Asset Allocation and Private Markets Solution Fiera Capital
Kevin Hebner, PhD Managing Director, Global Investment Strategist Epoch Investment Partners Inc.
Sam Pillettieri, CEO & Chief Investment Officer Alterna

Moderator: Daniel Conti, Principal, Harbourvest

9h30 à 10h30 

S17 - Retraite

Designed for Savings

Fiona Tam, AVP of Strategy, Data and Analytics, Group Retirement Services. Sun Life
Jackie Patel, AVP, Marketing and Communications, Group Retirement Services, Sun Life

Designed for Savings is Sun Life’s flagship report on capital accumulation plans in Canada. Using Sun Life’s unparalleled database of group retirement savings participants, this comprehensive report is the most authoritative look at group retirement savings in Canada.

This session will offer key insights from the newly released 2023 report. We’ll discuss the latest trends in plan member behavior during challenging economic conditions, the impact of market volatility on investments, decumulation, or how retirees are drawing down their savings and investments, and much more. Sponsors will be provided key takeaways on how they can evolve their workplace plans to be future-ready, to better meet the evolving needs of plan members.

S18 - Collectif

Investigative Tools to Confirm Claim Diagnosis and Mitigate Financial Risk

Jason Dumbreck, Senior Vice President, Xpera Risk Mitigation & Investigation

What are the red flags I need to be mindful of in order to mitigate risk? What information can I use to verify the facts? And when inconsistences arise, how can I discover the truth?

Investigative tools can help you find the answers you need.

In this session, you will gain proficiency in the key investigative tools for mitigating claims fraud. You will learn and understand how evidence is captured through Open Source Intelligence (OSINT), including potential privacy issues and ethical/legal considerations. We will review potential red flags relating to the claimant, policy, or circumstances of a claim, and bring you up to speed on the use of surveillance for gathering intelligence. We will also work through real case studies, from initial reconnaissance to final evidence and reporting, and show you first-hand how investigators collect information and translate it into meaningful intelligence.

S19 - Placements 

Fixed Income Panel

Tamsin Wilding, FIxed Income Anaylst, Vice President, Leith Wheeler Investment Counsel Ltd
Ryan Domsy, Executive Vice President & Portfolio Manager, Head of Fixed Income, Foyston, Gordon & Payne Inc. (FGP)
Rodrigo Trelles, Co-chef, O’Connor Capital Solutions / Co-Head, O’Connor Capital Solutions

Moderator: Chris Richard, Head of Fixed Income Investing & Portfolio Manager, Bcv Asset Management

10h30 à 11h00  


11h00 à 14h00

S20 - Retraite

Cross Country Legal update

Caroline L. Helbronner, Partner, Blakes LLP

Pension and employee benefit updates for 2023: This session will provide an overview of key recent legislative, regulatory and caselaw updates across the country for pension and employee benefits for employers and plan administrators. In particular, this session will cover trends in the industry as well as recent releases from the Canadian Association of Pension Supervisory Authorities, the Financial Services Regulatory Authority of Ontario, and the federal Department of Finance on a number of topics.

S21 - Collectif 

Building Resilient Vaccine Coverage and Uptake Policies for Plan Sponsors 

Dr. Jia Hu, Public Health & Preventive Medicine Physician, CEO of 19 To Zero, Adjunct Professor" University of Calgary
Johnny Ma, President & COO Mapol Inc.

Attend this session to

  • Discuss the value of vaccines
  • dentify the gaps between public and private payer policies on vaccine coverage
  • Share claims data to highlight how group benefits plans can play a critical role in improving access and uptake to vaccines

S22 - Placements 

Real Estate Investing: The long game on capital preservation and growth

Kristin Ramlal VP, Institutional Investment, Canada Life
Steven Marino,   Executive Vice President, Portfolio Management GWL Reality Advisors

Session description

Whether planning for retirement or seeking long-term capital appreciation, we believe real estate is a foundational component of a long-term diversified portfolio, providing attractive real and risk-adjusted returns for investors. In the wake of both secular and structural changes related to the demand for real estate, the combination of a thoughtful investment strategy and tactical execution are paramount to success.

In this session Kristin Ramlal (VP, Institutional Investment Sales, Canada Life) and Steven Marino (EVP, Portfolio Management, GWL Realty Advisors) will discuss discuss how exposure to this cornerstone asset class can provide growth and resiliency in these uncertain times, while responsibly advancing environmental, social and governance agendas.

Attend to:

  • Understand real estate property exposure (Pro/con)
  • Learn the ifference between real estate property asset classes (Retail/office/industrial/residential/multi-use…)
  • Understand private vs. public market real estate investing
  • Understand ESG in real estate
12h00 à 14h00 

Dîner de clôture

Emerging Markets
la cyber-sécurité
la cyber-sécurité
Hervé Boulhol- Senior Economist OECD-Paris- Peter
ReDefined Contribution Plans, Engaging Members with Clarity- INVESCO

Innovation in Risk Management

Speakers:  Bradley Hough PBI

The Future is Now - 21st Century Health, Wellness & Counselling Services

Abraham Koomson, Managing Director

Description :

The "transitory inflation" narrative has itself become…..well….transitory! It's clear now that transitory was more a useful calming tool than reliable forecast. Beyond the daily headlines & oversimplified annual comparisons, what inflation paths could we be facing and when does fixed income start to look more interesting? This session will put the long term in perspective and provide some clear portfolio impacts to weigh up as Trustees navigate forward. • Gain understanding about what is driving inflation and its likely path going forward • Compare how central banks have tackled the issue of high inflation • Explore the opportunities and risk in fixed income • Examine the relative value of different asset class both public and private to fixed income

Thanks to rising interest rates, the Canadian fixed income market had a negative year in 2021 and in the first nine months of 2022. While traditional fixed income funds often struggle in a rising interest rate environment, the emergence of core plus funds over the last decade offers investors an expanded toolkit to manage through this environment. According to eVestment, all Canadian core plus funds saw negative returns in the first nine months of 2022 as they could not fully offset the negative impact of rising interest rates. In this presentation, we explore various ways to reduce fixed income risk by including hybrid securities such as investment-grade bonds and preferred shares, as well as high yield bonds and mortgages, in a fixed income portfolio.

      As long as inflation stays high and interest rates keep rising, traditional fixed income strategies will continue experiencing low to negative returns.

      Investors can reduce fixed income risk by expanding their toolbox of fixed income securities.

      A deep understanding of the attributes and risk profiles of these securities is essential for mitigating risk.

Defining Thresholds for change
  1. Include me as I am.  Perspectives on Diversity, Equity, Inclusion and Mental Health in the Workplace.
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