2014 CPBI Charity Benefit

2014 CPBI Charity Benefit

6 février 2014 18h00 à 22h00Liberty Grand, Toronto, Ontario
Champs d’intérêt: Réseautage Format: Activité en personne
2014 CPBI Charity Benefit
In support of the Crohn's and Colitis Foundation of Canada
Frais d'inscription
Type d’adhésionTarif régulier
Membre250,00 $CDN
Membre Associé250,00 $CDN
Étudiant Membre250,00 $CDN
Non-membre250,00 $CDN
Tarif membreTarif non-membre
Table de 102 500,00 $CDN2 500,00 $CDN

This year's interactive CPBI Charity Benefit has been re-designed to engage you and your guests throughout the evening in a friendly competition with prizes and "bragging" rights over your industry colleagues.  Since its inception, the CPBI Benefit Ball has donated $387,000 to the Crohn's and Colitis Foundation of Canada.  While progress is being made to find the cure  more needs to be done!  Attend this year's Charity Benefit, support a worthy cause and participate in this truly enjoyable industry charity event!

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